5.5 - Live 2. Back in Wonderland

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Paris welcomes me back with freezing, bracing wind, creeping into my trenchcoat as I walk down the platform. I let it blow right through me, cause I don't care - the only thing I think about right now is how I want to see my coach and my friends and hug them and say that I love them so, so much.
I'm happy to be back, you can tell. So happy it doesn't matter it's been only a week.
And the first victim of my good mood is Gaspard, who volunteered to meet me.
- Hey, you, stop right there! - I shout to him, creeping behind his back, and before he reacts, take him in my embrace, and happily hear him squeal in surprise.
- O-okay, - he exhales, but instead of hugging me back, relaxes in my arms like a rag doll,  - Hi, you cuddly freak. Glad to see you're doing good.
- Hells to the yeah, I'm doing good! - I finally let go, and tap the crutch in my left hand, - Even with this awful thing.
- It's not gonna stop you from performing this Saturday, isn't it.
- Not at all! I don't know exactly how, but I'll figure it out.
- I think someone's gonna like your words, Wizard says, taking my silent permission to hold me by the arm, and as soon as we exit the terminal, I see who he was talking about.
- Mika! - I rush to my coach and give him more tight embrace. I didn't realize how much I missed him and his warmth that I feel even through his wool coat. Don't know how I'm gonna survive without him after the show.
- Hey, Alice! - he softly giggles, - Welcome back to Wonderland, huh?
He taps me on the back, like a good caring dad, and when I pull away to look at him I see the reflection of my own happy smile. He missed me too.
That little incident in the studio did move something in his attitude towards me. Can't deny that I'm glad about it.
Speaking of the incident. My sore knee, like a jealous sister, tries to get my attention back, reminding me that I've walked too much and I'm calling for some big problems. I wince, and Mika immediately notices that. He hurries back to his car and waits for me and Gaspard to get in it.
- Now let me drive you to the studio, shall I, - Mika suggests, - Let's hope I won't get into trouble doing that.
As soon as the pain goes away, I get back into my blissful happy state, and just tap a random rhythm on my metal crutch and gaze at Mika, all immersed in driving, frowning, following every sign and turn.
When we stop at the traffic light, he asks finally:
- So. Have you talked to Castel? You know what's going on with your performance?
- No, what's up?
- They decided to change your song.
- Oh, - I sigh. Gaspard next to me looks surprised too as I continue, - So what am singing now?
- Precious, Depeche Mode.
- Wow, - Wizard exhales in obvious jealously, - That's so cool.
- Yeah, that's probably too cool for me.
I'm not saying out loud the same old thoughts - what if I screw up? I love this song too much to sing it!
But subtle Mika knows everything.
- Not sure you can handle it, huh, - he says.
- Yeah.
- Will it make you better if I say that I thought about this piece during your Blind audition?

- Really?

- Yeah, I... - he pauses, making a turn, then goes on, - I think you have a very beautiful chest voice. Give me a few days, and this song is gonna shine with new colors in your performance.
Another warm wave of bliss washes over me as I think that very, very soon I'll start working with Mika again. How could I ever decline such an amazing offer?

- Then I'm clay in your hands, Mika, - I reply, - Do what you want, I fully trust you!
- Good, that's what I wanted to hear! And now .. - he pulls over, then, after we leave the car, gives me the happiest of his smiles, - ...Down the rabbit hole, my friend!

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