5.4 - Live 2. Home, Part 2. Future

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Mika answers the call almost immediately. He asks how I'm doing and then suggests something that I couldn't come up with for some reason. A videochat.

- So you're dying to do something, - he says when we establish a reliable connection.
- Yep.
- And you don't know what.
- Yep.
- Well I suggest you to work on your future a bit.
- What do you mean?
- Ok, so... - he gets up and moves closer to the camera, - How do you see your future? Imagine that the Voice is done, you're... Let's assume you're at the second... No, even third place in the Finals, no contract, no offers, but you still want to continue as a performer.
- Well...
I take some time to think about it.
- I would become an indie musician, - I say then, - Create a 'serious' YouTube channel, and try to live off writing songs for others and selling my music on iTunes. Maybe crowd-fund an album and find a label someday.

I know it's not gonna be that easy. The Voice really is the best chance I have right now. Should I care about winning the show more?

But it's not what Mika has taken from my thoughts.

- Oh, so you write songs? - he asks. I shrug, like I always do when I talk about it.
- Yep. Well, used to, but I think I can start writing again.
- That's what I thought, - Penniman nods, - Your voice is sorta 'indie pop' type, you'll probably fit into the stream real quick. You know what, talk about it with Gaspard. He's kinda like an indie too. You can cooperate, maybe...
- I don't think he needs a partner, - I reply, - He's on his own.
- You really think so? - Mika says then, raising his eyebrow, - Have you ever thought he's just too proud to admit that he wants someone's company, Alice? Especially yours?
Well, that's interesting.
- No. Did he really say that?
- Not exactly, but I see how he reacts to your name. Talk to him, I'm serious. You'll make a good team. Anyway, is that your plan - a YouTube channel? And that's it?
- Well, no, but it's a good start, I believe.
- And what you're gonna do there?
- Well, covers, original songs, vlogs, like every other music youtuber. Remember Michele Bravi from X Factor 7? He's quite successful, so why shouldn't I try too?
- Yeah, you should! - Mika agrees, and, putting on his usual kid's excitement expression, rubs his hands in anticipation, - Ok! So you ready to work right now?
- Yes!
- Then you get to choose a song, and we make your first official cover video.
- Oh, wow. Right here, right now?

- Yeah, sure! What are we waiting for?

I knew I could rely on Mika with this. I smile back and jump up to get things ready.

So the camera is here, as well as the mic and the piano, with Mika on my phone screen on top of it. The last thing to prepare is the music piece. Like during the Knockouts, only there's no pressure now. I can choose everything I want!

Freezing for a second, I shrug and start playing chords of Woodkid's Baltimore's Fireflies.
- No, no, no! - Mika suddenly exclaims, and when I stop and look at him in surprise, replies, a but embarrassed, - Not this one, ok? Not yet. Everything else except this one. Although it was a good choice.
- Then... - I begin Depeche Mode's 'Never Let Me Down Again' melody, but Mika stops me again, at least not so emotionally:
- ...And not these guys, please.

I roll my eyes, but don't ask questions. And when I play the third choice of mine, Mylene Farmer's Desenchantee, I can already see his face make the same annoyed expression, only to change a moment before he starts laughing:

- Would you please stop reading my mind?

- What, I can't play this one too?

- At this point, I wouldn't be taking the chance, yeah. Come on, you can't have a repertiore of just 3 songs! What about something pop?

I look up at the shelf above the piano, where all my CDs are at. Notice one of the most scratched and over-used among them.
No doubt, there's only one artist I know very well and feel the most comfortable singing.
- You're thinking about my songs, don't you, - Mika speaks, in turn, reading my mind.
- Why not?
I begin his Elle Me Dit. And halfway the intro I get an idea.
- I'll make a medley of your songs, - I decide, - As a little tribute.
- Well...
- My whole singing journey has started with you, Mika, - when I said that, I just knew I can't do anything else, - I have to make it this way.
- As you wish, then, - Mika humbly bows his head, to my surprise, - Go for it.

We take some time to work on the arrangement. Elle Me Dit gets some folky tunes, Boum Boum Boum becomes more fluid,and then I decide to convert everything to the style of 40s pop and crazily throw some other Mika's songs on top of it.

- Ready?
I push the record button on the camera. Mika's monitoring the whole process on the phone screen next to it.
- Ultimate Mika medley, - I declare, - By Wonder Alice.
And, playing the first chords I begin in a slow and sensually languid blues style:

Love is a drug... And you are my cigarette...
Love is addiction... And you are my nicorette...

And on, to the end of the first verse. When it comes to the chorus, I move on to Happy Ending, and continue in the low register:

And I... Feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm... Wasted every day...

Then I hit the keys louder and continue in a more energetic yet emotional way:

From the air I breathe to the love I need
Only thing is true - the origin is you...

I still pull out the 'ooooh' sound, as the melody turns into 'Underwater'. And instead of the needed word I just repeat 'The origin is you'.

Using that as a bridge to more joyful and light chords, I begin, gleefully and soundly:

Elle me dit, c'est ta vie
Fais c'que tu veux, tant pis,
Un jour tu comprendras
Un jour tu t'en voudras

Elle me dit, t'es trop nul
Sors un peu de ta bulle
Tu fais n'importe quoi
On dirait que t'aimes ça...

I slow down, and pick up a new tune and tempo, and start right away, with piano joining after the first line:
Boum Boum Boum!
Boum, boum...

I don't lose the approach and go on, with the same tonality:
Say what you want to satisfy yourself...
But you only want what everybody else days you should want...
'You want' - the quiet falsetto.

And here comes We Are Golden, careful, like walking on tiptoes:
Teenage dreams in the teenage circus...

And on, to the end, with the soft ' We are golden, we are golden' finishing the song.

I count five seconds before looking up and stop the recording. And see that strange emotion on Mika's face that I've noticed before. Amusement, surprise - what is it?
- What? - I ask, like I did the first time. He shrugs.
- Oh, nothing. I've just heard the weirdest cover of my songs, that's it, - he laughs then and gets seriously enthusiastic again, - So, the cornerstone of your future is planted! And may I ask you - is that what you do with songs when you're given complete freedom?
- Kind of.
- That's interesting, because- Well, first, thank you, that was an honour. Really. And second... What if you try to make 'Unconditionally' like that? Dark-cabaret style?
- Well, actually, I thought I'll make it more gentle and soft.
- Hmm, okay, - Mika agrees again, - Let's try it this way. We'll begin...

He trails off, for we both hear some noise from the room that he's in. Penniman looks above the camera and nods to someone who, clearly, has just joined him.

- We'll begin next time, huh, - I guess.

- Yeah, - he moves back - I finally see that he's in the studio - and glances at his watch. Then lowers the tone, - I hate to cut it off in the middle, but...

- But it's your new album, - I sigh, - That's fine. Besides, I got a work to do as well.

- Good. See you next Monday, same place, same time!

He hangs up. And only after that I realize that he didn't mean the rehearsals, it was our 'extra-coaching' that Mika was talking about.

Well, I suppose my karma - and Mika himself - is quite persistent to bring us two together. And who am I to disagree?...

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