4.1 - Live 1. Karen

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So, yep, it was like that. When I started thinking that it was a time for miracles in my life, karma decisively cut me down, saying - no more treats. For now.

After the disappearance of Mika life went on as usual. I sang, played the ukulele, served coffee in Starbucks (sometimes combining all three things) and tried a couple of times to look for another college where I could go next year. Although, I think I've exhausted my potential, and my destiny is to be a busker or, like Emily, live in studios and auditions. My girls - and half the neighborhood, to whom I became a local superstar - said it wasn't a very bad idea.

Mika, by the way, contacted me again. He sent me a message two weeks before my departure for Paris:

Maitre Gims - Changer. Start practicing now, but keep it a secret! See you soon.

Here we go. He's far away, but still manages to make me feel special. Or remind me that I'm a noob that needs more time to practice than everyone else...

...Anyway, the story continues. The break is over, and we're back in the studio!

It's not that poorly furnished old motel where we had to share rooms and walk miles to have dinner. The place is absolutely new, I still smell paint here.

Strange excitement fills me when I rise to my floor and walk down the hall in search of my room.

As if nothing of what happened before deserved attention. Now, only now begins the real adventure.

- We'll be the first to live here, - Emily says, walking next to me. I'm traveling light, with the only backpack behind me, so I get to carry one of her 3 bags. "Fruity angel" (that's her real nickname now, after the Blinds broadcast) continues, looking through some papers:

- One block - two contestants. And one block is one bathroom and two separate bedrooms. There's the list. You live with ... - Emily lets out a surprised whistle, - Karen. She's still in the show, well done. She never held preliminary battles before.

I wonder why I haven't spoken to her before. She looked so interesting it should have boosted my curiosity.

- Are there things that I need to know before I talk to her? - I ask. Amelie thinks for several seconds.

- Don't even think of asking her about her life, - she said at last, - I mean, work, family, friends, - she reacts very weird to it. And keep talking, she likes listening. Probably she's gonna use it against you, but you wouldn't know anyway.

- Ok, I'll keep it in mind, - I sigh, - Thanks.

Karen had to be settled with Emily, they would be perfect for each other - Amelie chatters incessantly, and Karen listens and absorbs. I'd rather have Gaspard - he may be strange and shy at times, but in his "confident state" he is also very talkative and overall comfortable to be with.

- Well, good luck, - concludes the brunette, tumbling into her room - Today Team Mika is having a meeting in the lobby at 7, don't forget.

- What are we going to do there?

- Party, of course! We're living our last peaceful days, you know!

And my teammate disappears behind the door, leaving me alone with an insecurity that seemed to come from nowhere. Home exercises with ukulele helped to overcome my habit to overthink, but some things just keep haunting me from adolescence. So I take a deep breath and enter my room.

Karen is already there, with her bedroom opened and bags unpacked in the most messy way possible. She looks up at me and smiles.

- "Wonder-Alice"! - she exclaims, - So that's who is my neighbor!

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