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Let me start by introducing myself. Something I do not usually have to do. I mean being the most important man a life in the world why would I have to introduce myself. Anyway long story short, I am Akhenaten son of Amenhotep the third.

My father was one of the greatest pharaohs to come during the New kingdom. The times when my father ruled over KMT, the black fertile land of Egypt, are now being referred to as the golden era.

During my father’s rein Egypt’s economy was excellent. He had good relations with most of the surrounding rulers. He was so popular and smart then I came; a child being brought up in success with the love of not only my mother but the entire palace.

Let’s say out of all of my dad’s noble traits I was not able to inherit anything except for the need of individuality which has doomed my destiny. If you are reading this thinking it is the story of the doomed prince then you are mistaken for I am no doomed prince.

Let me take you back in time to the day the curse has been unleashed…

Today was the most important day of my life. Today was the annual celebration of my coronation day, the day that my father left this world and left Egypt in my hands. Usually there is a ceremony in the morning where all the citizens of Egypt have to take part where ever they are.

I would appear at my window of appearance give out some gold coins and food to a chosen some of the commoners with my beloved wife, Nefertiti and our six princesses. Then I would marsh the streets, give a speech, give the day off and lots of free bread n wine.

That’s usually how the morning goes. Then I meet with rulers of foreign land who wish Egypt well and they present me with their gifts. Later I rest with Nefer and make an appearance at a dinner party with my family and close friends.

So far that was exactly what happened.      


Right now I am exhausted after that massive day. Also Paser, my best friend and closest adviser as me if he can start courting the woman who owns his heart yet happens to be his servant. He is one of my most loyal men and I simply could not deny any of his wishes.

Nefer leaned closer “Pharaoh of my heart you look so tired, well if you want to go all you have to do is say your speech and we can go. I already have other celebratory plans for us” then she winked at me and went to speak with Paser’s parents.

Well I got off my seat and as I did everyone in the room paused. They all gave a shallow bow and one of my servants the bell and announced that I am about to speak.

“Thank you all for coming today. I hope you enjoy your evening. All Hail to the god Aten” I did not want to spend any more time in my audience chamber. I wanted to go to my bedroom and hear all about Nefer’s plans, because usually when she has plans they are good.

Everyone in the room noticed that my speech ended so they bowed much lower than before and in one breath as if trained to do so they said “All you highness Akhenaten, Great pharaoh of Egypt. All Hail Aten, The protector God of Egypt”

Then I was about to leave the room with Nefer when the craziest thing in the world happened…

For a moment everything seemed different a strong current of power passed through the room breaking everything in its way except for us humans. It was crazy then I blinked and the room of feast did not look any better than a dark room an abandoned house…

That was the story of the day I died…

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