Chapter Zero

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Today in the American university in Cairo (AUC), the University of the Elite of Cairo, the weather was extremely cold, it was windy and dark. Cairo was not accustomed to such weather especially during the month of September which is usually hot. That day was the opening day for the fall 2007 semester in AUC; it was the first Sunday of the month. All the freshman students were happily heading to university, very glad to be done with high-school and looking forward to their first day.

Walking through the narrow alley between the School of sciences and Engineering; and the CORE building one could spot out the freshman students through their innocent and naïve smiles. They think university is a piece of cake, they don’t know the amount of work that they will be doing throughout the many semesters to come. All freshman students had the same attitude towards their first day except for one…

He had a very dark aura. He was young and very handsome yet his eyes seemed wise, mature and dangerous.

He was niether dark nor light skinned, his skin was neutral more like the majority of Egyptians. He had shoulder length, bushy, extremely dark brown hair that was styled in a huge afro, it was very striking. His afro acted as an attention grabber. He was skinny and his height without the afro was approximately 170 meters high. He was wearing his shades that were covering  his eyes and eyebrows, what appeared to be black frame ray bans; even on such a cloudy day, for some reason he always needed to cover his eyes. His shades established a mysterious bubble around him, by talking to him one would have had to move into that bubble.

He always hid his eyes yet the eyes were windows to the soul, it was as if he has no soul to display…

Beneath his shades was his nose; he had a Greek nose; perfectly straight with no curves or hooked like shape. Moving to his lips; they were the friendliest and most welcoming of his features, they always curved up in to a huge grin. He had extremely thin lips with a defined upper cupid’s bow, but he was not smiling now. He looked pretty serious.

Though the weather was very cold and windy in the alley he was only wearing knee length shorts and a T-shirt unlike the rest of the crowed. He was dressed in so much black, yet his shoes were so bright the light bounced off their surface. He had a funky look over all.

That boy was out standing in the crowed alley as for his afro. Everyone in the alley could not help noticing him. People kept going on in conversations about the boy with the afro, wondering where he is from and what he is doing in Egypt.

Egypt is a country well known for its gossip, everyone here gossips about everything and anything. People gossip a lot in Egypt because there are so many restrictions in the culture that make life hard for everyone. Not being allowed to do certain things or having to do them behind other people’s backs makes people very curious and jealous. Most Egyptians gossip out of jealousy for not being able to express themselves the way another can. Therefore the mysterious boy’s afro was a huge form of self expression that he was envied up on.


In my Head...

“wow! I wonder where Afro man is from… he looks damn fine” said one girl to her friend

“Oh my God… I wonder how he washes his hair, it must take him so long to get ready everyday” commented a boy form a different group and there was laughter for his companions.

“I heard people like him…”

Finally I got fed up of all their voices and thier little talks. I started walking away but I did not give away my angry, to be honest I have been in this country for too long to still get angered by such silly gossip. Being here for long somehow has allowed me to look at the bright side… in a way I am very special at least that is the vibe I get… it’s nice to know that I can always make an impression.

After leaving the Alley I headed to the mechanical engineering department on the second floor of the school of sciences and engineering, where I was about to make sure that the adviser has scheduled me in the right classes. The department was very crowded with new and old students. It felt like a good chance for him to socialize and make some friends. I met a bunch of boys from this major; not surprisingas this department was not a popular one for girls.

I attended my first class and the lab that followed. The class was okay but the lab was awesome of course not very awesome since this was not my first time… I met so many people today; they all smell so great…


(A Girl from the Past)

 I have been watching him from far all these years... I cannot even face him! I guess he will ever know how much I loved him... I knew everything about his new life! It was fascinating for me to watch him from a distance...

He must have felt my presence around him, for my aura was not weak. Yet he did not know it was me…

At times I hear him questioning and wondering why he feels watched. He once spent a year trying to figure out this mystery…

Only then do I laugh at his failure in realizing it is me… Then I cry; knowing that he does not think of me… but it is my destiny to watch over him…

I have to pay for my own mistakes…

He was very pleased by the day and headed to his car. His home was very close to the university campus he only had to drive for 15 minutes and then he arrived at an apartment block in rehab city. He parked his car and swiftly ran up to the third floor where his apartment was located.

The door to his apartment was an extremely well crafted wooden door with an elegant golden handle. As he closed the door he left his keys and shades on the dining table which was located to the right side of the entrance lobby then he went to his bedroom sat on the bed and slipped of his bright basket ball shoes. While taking off his shoes he felt the need to head to the bathroom and take a shower so he took off his cloths and threw them in the red washing basket which he located between the toilet seat and the bathtub then he adjusted the temperature of the water and started filling the tub with extremely warm water. While the tub was filling he left the bathroom and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of milk from his refrigerator. When the tub was full he enjoyed his glass of icy milk in the warm water.

He enjoyed the tub for an hour then he took a quick shower and dried himself. Then he stood in front to the sink mirror to shave the extremely light hairs on his chin and style his afro using styling wax as well as his blow drier.

After he had relaxing time in the tub he felt ready to go out and enjoy the beautiful night. He was a big fan of the night; he only went out in the mornings when it was urgent. So he went to his wardrobe and started looking for a fancy outfit. He grabbed his black boxer, black leather pants, and white shirt to tip his innocence abit. He liked being classy, and considered black to be very classy. After being covered in black and he wore classic black shoes.

Yet he could not leave the house without the most important thing; his scent. He always had a very pleasant sent so he checked the bathroom cabinet to seek the most convenient smell for his look tonight, as usual it was the same odor he always uses, the sexiest and simply most irresistible cologne one can imagine. It smelt of passion and ecstasy.

Now that he was ready to leave the house, he went to the mirror for one last check, and then checked that his wallet had a convenient amount of money, grabbed his keys off the dining table and headed out to his night journey. He liked Cairo for it was the city that never slept. In Cairo it was never suspicious to go out every night and therefore he felt secure to stay in Cairo. He was not just like any ordinary human being.

He had his own secrets; dreadfully dark secrets that made him leave his house every night…

Afro, Me and the prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now