Chapter 11: Awkward Morning (Julie)

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After my shower; I quickly dried myself using baby-blue towel. Then I rolled the towel around myself and went to my room; I started circulating the room until I spotted my I-pod which I hooked right away to the speakers so that I can enjoy some music while getting dressed.

Listening to music while changing my cloth was of my customs, I have done this since childhood. Yet today it felt extremely different, I was actually trying to escape that noise created by my brain. I wanted peace and silence and all my brain wanted was to question my about the archaic dream that I have just experienced.

Once the music hit in I went to m wardrobe picked up a clean pair of white underwear, as well as a white bra; I threw them on my bed and headed to the wardrobe again. This time I picked a pretty dark red skirt and a cream blouse. I always like to pick out all that I am going to wear before getting dressed.

Once I picked everything I started to lotion my body and the music was absolutely useless, might as well have been in another room. All I could here now were though annoying questions, those questions that make me want to believe that last was not just a dream; but rather blunt reality.

I did not want to believe my thoughts but my heart was uneasy…

It was letting my brain take charge me, and all that I was hearing now was…

Who is Akhenaten?

Why was I in his body?

I have heard of Nefertiti before, I mean also see her image on the 50 piaster bank note… but who is she? Is she actually Akhenaten’s wife?

Where was that place?

What was that language? That language that sounded very strange yet I could understand it by intuition...

I was lost, and all I could have done right now is to think of more questions, many more questions…

At this point I knew that I might need to go and learn about the history of my ancestors, maybe this whole dream a fictional thing that has nothing to do with our history. Maybe it is just one lousy dream…

I looked at the time only to realize that half an hour has passed while I was simply sitting on my bed rolled up in my towel, with my cloth right next to me. One thing that I do hate so much in this world would be wasting time and now it was the only thing I was capable of doing.

I jumped up quickly slid into my underwear, and then put on my skirt and top.

I quickly combed my hair and tied it up in a pony tail, and then I rushed out of my room only to remember just after leaving that I have forgotten to turn of the music. I went back to turn it off and realized that the volume was too high.

Wow… I must have been drugged by the questions in my head; I could not even feel how loud the music was…

Right now I needed to get out of the room and I knew exactly where I am supposed to go…

 All I wanted to do right now was to learn more about the history of my ancestors. Discover if my dream had some truth in it.

The only way I would be able to do this was by researching through different history books. I needed to start my research urgently.

I walked from my room to my father’s bureau; where he had kept his books. My father had an extremely large book collection; it was like a little library. He had seven shelves each about four meters wide and they were all full of books. I knew that at least one of these books would happen to have some information about our ancestors.

In general I did not like reading about historical events, but now that they have haunted me in my dreams I think it be wise to know a little information.

I needed to know more. After all; that dream has affected me more than I would like to think.

And the scariest thing about this dream was how cannot forget a detail, as it were all real…

Back to my dad’s library, I glanced over only to notice that most of the books are written in Arabic. Although Arabic is my mother tongue, I am way better with English as all my education was conducted in English.

I started to look much more closely to find an English book, also at this point I did not care if it were written in English or Arabic. I just needed information and I needed it fast, so either way I was willing to struggle through in order to understand…

The first shelf… No luck…

The second shelf… All engineering!!!

The third shelf… Nothing important…

The fourth shelf, I had to climb on a stool to reach that shelf… I hope that it has anything…

On the fourth shelf I found a book that appeared to be helpful. Quickly I pulled the book of the shelf in order to read its title. It read as “The Ancient Egyptian World” by Cline and Rubalcaba. It looked like an introductory book, probably it was meant for tourists, something they can take along while touring in the museum. I understood that I can only learn very little from this book.

The main cause of the book was not to teach me, but rather to give me a brief outline of the events at the time; to let me know if my dream had any truth to it.

There was a picture of an animal mummy on the cover of the book… but it looked fun! Something kids would want to look at. I was glad that this was not a specialized book, as it will be much easier to understand…

I went through the table of contents praying I would be able to find anything useful, and there it was looking at me… There was a whole chapter dedicated to this Akhenaten person…

Awesome, I wanted to concentrate my reading so, I place the book into the living room and headed to the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast. I was starving and I absolutely needed to eat first…  

I went to the kitchen to prepare myself some tea, I like Earl Grey tea. Its flavor was relaxing. So I put on the electrical kittle, while the water was being heated I took out a slice of cake from the fridge. The water boiled and I poured my tea.

Now was the time to read so I headed to the couch in the living room put down the tray on the table. I sat on the couch and grabbed the book…

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