Chapter 10: Traveling through Time (Julie)

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Frightened of the sight of blood, I woke up sweating and breathing heavily. My heart was beating so fast; I could almost fell my whole body shifting on its loud rhythm. It was a painful feeling. As I got up I was extremely tiered and my head was about to explode.

Going to switch on the lights, I started wondering why these horrid bloody dreams have been haunting me lately. I do not have evil thoughts and generally I do not like watching horror movies yet these dreams keep filling my head.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face hoping I can go back to bed since I have only had about two hours of sleep.

Before going back to bed I grabbed a book from my shelf, it turned out to be Things Fall Apart by the Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. It was one of my favorite books and I needed anything to get me out of this horrid mood so that I can sleep again.

I started reading about Okonkwo, he was an amazing man; I really loved how he valued his culture and tradition above all matters of life. His decisions were straight forwards yet they never reflected his feelings.

He was a man who only knew cultur and tradition, his feelings were locked up in a very far place in his heart were cant let them out. As I read the book I drifted into a deep sleep…




All of a Sudden I found myself in a temple! In Egypt!

And I heard a language that I have never heard before in my entire life, yet it all made sense and I could exceptionally understand it...

It was Hymns to the God Aten, the Sun Rays.

"... Splendid you rise, O living Aten, eternal lord!

 You are radiant, beauteous, mighty,

 Your love is great, immense.

 Your rays light up all faces


The birds in the nest fly up in joy;

 Their folded wings unfold in praise

 Of the living Aten their maker."

I was standing inside a temple dedicated to the God Aten… Worshiping at an altar!!!

Involuntarily I felt my knees bending until they reached the ground yet I felt like I have done this every day since the beginning of my existence, it did not feel like a foreign gesture at all. Then a man dressed in red robes started walking towards me, whom I recognized to be a priest.

He was walking in a steady slow speed as if we have all day long; until he reached me then he took out a small bottle that contained a translucent liquid. Once he opened the bottle there was a very strong smell which I realized as lattice oil.

Then he immersed a thin wooden rod in the bottle and took it out letting the oil droplets fall onto my head subsequently my right shoulder, then my left shoulder.

After that he closed the bottle and placed it back into his pocket. Then he stared saying a short prayer.

“May the God manifest himself into you, may Aten protect you and send the wisdom through your thoughts. May Aten purify your heart and make Egypt be saved”

He went on repeating himself three times then I started the oil falling over my bare chest!


Where are my clothes?

I looked down, and soon found out that I am not me anymore…

And I am not a woman anymore…

What? And why am I wearing a kilt? I wanted to scream…

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