Chapter 9: The Desert

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Ash laughed and added “because I brought us a little dessert for later, you know I love little sweet things”

I was blank covered by shock… I hope that he did not just say that!

Jasper started out in a calm voice “Ash! Did we not already discuss that we are having deer for dinner?” Jasper was very assertive. He did not get himself in a state of anger or even if he did; he never showed it. He had a judicial look at matters and his assertiveness always made him stronger than others. If there be an Alpha in our group he would certainly be it. 

“Yes; but we did not discuss dessert, in addition it is not much just one!” Ash spat out.

I, myself was not happy with Ash’s doing, he was not honoring our promise, I was mostly worried about Aeron’s behavior, and I never saw that coming from Ash.

Ash was the quiet sweet person, he was generally nice but he has always had a problem honoring his promises. He was thin; same height as myself and always liked shaving his head, so commonly bold. His eyes were a very exceptional shade of grey, staring into them one would feel lost in the mist. His skin was a tan but much lighter than that of Jasper.

We Vampires are very beautiful creatures, the worst curse on the human race. Probably Ash just passed by a girl and smiled at her without revealing his fangs…

Ash rushed into my mind interrupting my thoughts. “No man, you are really over thinking it and you know that I don’t like the easy ones, they are simply too boring, I got a kickass story to about that one.”

“Yes Ash that is all that matters to you the stupid stories about your conquests, you should be more worried about our reputation than your own adventure!!!”

He reached our minds in an apologetic voice “come on guys loosen up, I am sorry! I won’t do it again”

We all knew he was lying, he always broke the little rules that we created to protect our existance. I believe that there should be a form of punishment so that Ash feels a sense of responsibility.

If there was anyone to be kicked out of the group it would certainly be him, but he is still fun to be around. I just hope that one day he will man up and stop doing those childish acts.

The desert would have been pitch black, if it was not for the moon. The moon was our light; it guided us through the unknown mysteries of the desert. Although I am a vampire; an invincible creature; the desert was still one of the mysteries to be unlocked; it was impossible to understand the dynamics of the desert. We enjoyed coming here for the thrill as the desert reminded us of our vulnerable human days, the days that we will always miss…

The smell of dust was starting to become unbearable, I stopped to clear my mind when suddenly I heard a sound “Doom… Doom”

It was the sound of a living heart, the sound that my mute heart has longed for hearing ever since it stopped beating. It was the sound of life. I sprinted with madness towards the sound, hoping to be the first reaching it. I came so close and found a troop of deer, the first one I spotted was a mother, she was laying nearby her babies. Her heart beat grow louder in my ears, as if she could sense the danger of my arrival, too loud it was impossible to ignore. I tried to shift my attention to another deer but as if they were all dead, the sounds of their hearts were relatively weak compared to hers. Her heart was much stronger, much louder, it was a heart that wanted to survive and that fact made it much more attractive than all the others.

Yet; ironically it was teasing me. The sounds it produced were begging me to suck all the blood being pumped through its Fragile anxious cells and rip it into shreds. It reminded me of a human heart that I know very well, it reminded me of the heart that I cannot silence...

Julie's heart...

I remembered Julie and felt my eyes widen with desire as I ran towards my prey…

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