Chapter 21: Messenger

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I heard a noise and saw the door fly open all of us turned heads towards the door as the odor of a human filled the air. Then the sound of stilettos on my marble floor kept me excited in my wait.

A beautiful woman appeared in front of us. She was wearing an extremely short red dress, looking into her eyes I knew who she was…


She looked at us terrified then broke the silence herself “I come for you and not against you. I come to help you with an advice sent from the field of reeds”

WHY? Why is that girl so suicidal? Out of all people I have known, why does my father chose her for such a dangerous mission?

I hope he did not tell her about our nature. Oh! Of course he did not he would not risk our exposure or her refusal to help.

After speaking I could hear the saliva rolling down my mates’ throats, it was a reaction to her mouth watering smell. How could I defend her when they all wanted her? Even Nefer’s gaze, it worried me the most.

Julie suddenly lost her balance and collapsed I ran by her side before she landed on the floor. I helped her up but she was unconscious. So I picked her up on my arms and carried her to the couch.

I heard Nefer hiss “I did not know you have already ordered desert!” Then all started laughing.

“Guys if you get near her I will…” I was cut short when Aeron jumped quickly towards us. I did not want to fight him but if he were to attack her I certainly would. But then he stopped.

“What is this?” he asked.

“What are you talking about Aeron? Why did you stop?” Nefer asked

“Well, I can’t go any further” he said “I was stopped” I can’t come near her, she has some protection!”

Thank you dad, I guess he took care of everything. He did not just send her here to meet her fate.

“Aeron, please stop this non-sense. My father sent her to us. She is a messenger here, she is part of our team and none of us shall threaten her. Am I clear?” I was firm and strict. This was not a matter to argue about.

All went quiet. “I asked, am I clear?” Then a nod sounded through all those present “please speak up, I do not think that this matter should be addressed again, so am I clear?”

They answered in one breath “Yes, your highness”

I looked at Julie’s closed eyes, wondering where she was. Was she meeting my father now? I really missed him.

Ash seemed also to be concerned about Julie; he started “back to our conversation, so we were thinking of contacting the others, I think first thing that we need to do is to write a list of their names. Does everyone agree?” He asked and all nodded.

We sat at the table throwing names in the list and until there were forty seven names on the list. We revised the list may times and made sure not to have forgotten anybody. Then I said “Well my dear friends I think now we should see who made it and who did not and start crossing the names out”

Thing is not all of us were able to make it alive till today only a few were and that is why we needed to check before we begin contacting them. We did not need to waste time trying to contact people who do not exist.

“I agree” Nefer jumped in happily “I know that Kabi’s family did not make it. That already eliminates five people”

Ash crossed them out and more people started throwing names off the list till only ten names remained. These were the ten that we needed to contact.

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