Chapter 16: The other world

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I am watching them, the priests as they were plotting against my son...

The priests were spirits, just like myself but the vicious spell which they performed on my son made them stay in the transitional world they have to kill my son to move onto the spirits world. Thus they have been trapped there for thousands of years collecting power and sometimes other priests to help them. They are more now, about thirty.

The first priest said "we failed again, although we had acquired more power this time..."

The second started "Well..." only to be interrupted by another priest "No, Thuty! The problem this time was not to do with our power, as it was not a power that the doomed king shall repel. The spell had to be broken by his past-self... only uttering his real name would have revoked the spell. Now that I think about it, there are still others who know of his name and history, others that we must dispose of."

Another spoke "According to you Minmontu, our only chance would be coming up with another spell... but there is a problem that you do not seem to notice Meryptah. It took us so much time to collect the power that we faced Akhenaten with. Thus it will be long from now that we strike him again and this will even make him stronger..."

Meryptah spoke again "you are right Maya! But is there no other source of power that we can use... isn't there a way we can gain power faster?"

One of the priests was quiet... he was sitting in the corner quietly and suddenly he got up to his feet and uttered out in a whisper "I know a way..."

Thuty shouted fiercely "you know a way! Then why have you been quiet all this past time?"

"I have been quite as that method is extremely dangerous and not approved by the Gods" then he went on whispering "If we carry it out, we shall be doomed for life... I do not dare utter the spell out loud least all of us agree to live doomed in the world of the dead"

Everyone went quiet, silence spread over the room for a few seconds. Judging by the expression on their faces, I could tell all were starting to identify what the priest was talking about.

Then Maya went on "But if it is the only way to acquire power fast then..."

For an instant I felt my temper boil, how dare that priest speak such non-sense in my presence, but then I remembered he can not see me...

He was interrupted by the rest of the priests as small talks stated travelling among them creating a hazing noise. They all seemed extremely terrified by the mention of the subject. They were worried about themselves.

Then Thuty shouted loudly "My fellow mates; what good is it to punish a sin by making a bigger sin?"

Once more there were many small talks circulating and the atmosphere was electrified.

Watching them dooming my son's fate again, I was extremely worried for my son. I knew he was strong and could handle himself well but I was not sure he would get on safely this time. I had to warn him of their evil deed.

I wished to communicate with my son or even to stop them but I was a in the field of reeds, the world of spirits.

What good was to my son?

Well the only thing that I can do to my son right now to find a way to let him know of their cursed plans. Through my world I can only communicate with humans. Only during their sleeping hours; I cannot communicate with creatures that do not sleep and unfortunately my son is one of them.

"Yuya, do you know of anyone in the world of the living who can deliver a message to Akhenaten?"

Yuya was my adviser, he was extremely helpful. He always helped me out; he was my father in-law, father of my lovely queen Tyie.

"Your majesty, there are some humans who can communicate with both worlds. They can see through the mist. We can find out whom and send them messages."

"Sounds good Yuya but if we can get to these people can't the priests also?"

"Yes your majesty they can. It will all depend on how trust worthy the messenger is"

"Then I cannot just sit there and wait... what do you suggest we do?"

"I suggest we contact someone who is in touch with your son, like that girl, Julie"

"But does she have the ability to see through the mist?"

"No your Majesty, but you can visit her in her dreams, and if she lets your highness use her body then you can meet his highness Akhenaten using her body. But this can only be done under her permission thus your highness will have to convince her."

"I might not need to use her body if she can deliver the message, right?"

"Absolutely your majesty"

"Ok, Yuya can you ask the servants prepare me some papyrus paper, a reed pen and some ink, I shall prepare my speech with the girl. Also can you prepare me a report about the girl and her relation with my son?"

"Yes your highness, I will be on my way now"

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