Chapter 4: The Vampire

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Holding her hand was satisfying to the urges going through my head. It was so comforting to feel her warm hand. Her blood pressure I could feel it, it had a steady pattern…

And her heart pumping the blood through her body, it was like music. It was relaxing to hear her heart. Being in the closed cinema room I could hear all the other hearts too. The feeling here is just like being to a party with a hundred excellent drummers. Even through all the noise her heart made a distinct sound. It was a sound very special to me. It felt like therapy to inner soul... I never want this sound to drown out! Yet the human body is extremely delicate, and our world is hazardous… It will probably take me decades to find a heart that sounds like hers, so melodic. All human hearts produce pleasant sounds but hers is different, I do not really know where this is going but I guess I will find out... 

I squeezed her hand a pit and heard her produce a sigh…

“Sorry! I did not mean to hurt you…”

She smiled at me, I could see her beautiful white teeth “It’s fine, don’t worry” her words were sweet but not like the rhymes that her heart made.

I raised her left hand to my lips and kissed it lightly, trying my best not to lose control…

I was risking it because her smell was far too strong and I could not help but think about the taste of her hot blood as it leaves her body and enter my throat. As it lingers on my lips, the temptations to break her skin and suck her veins were driving me to insanity…

The more I think about it the easier my control slips away. Her sweet smell…

“Hahaha, did you see that Adam? He is so funny! Don’t you think?”

She was commenting about a scene in the movie, but I could not even notice it… I gave out a fake-soundless laugh, good enough that it is dark in here at least she cannot see me clearly.

The more I caressed her hand and kissed it the faster heart bounded.

Suddenly  a thought had occurred to me…  

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