Chapter 25: The Scarlet Scorpion Strikes

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Omega Spider struggles from the metallic tail wrapped around his body which tightens as the Scarlet Scorpion also known as Ronnie Anne, smirked at her prey.

Omega Spider: Who... Who are you...?

Scarlet Scorpion: (snarls lowly) Scarlet Scorpion & I'm the one who going to put an end to you & this apocalyptic mess you've made, arachnid...

Scarlet Scorpion then spun him around a couple of times with her metallic tail before releasing him to throw the spider suit clad loud across the block and hitting a nearby ice cream shop, through the window and face first into a large bowl of melted ice cream.

Omega Spider: Ugh... Just Great...

Cleaning the ice cream off his mask, Omega Spider's senses went off and barely dodges Scarlet Scorpion's sharp tail but she grabs him by the leg and proceeded to hold him, nails a devastating backbreaker before throwing him through a couple of tables.

Omega Spider: (mutters with a groan) Man... This woman is tough... Almost a combination of Lynn, Lori, Ronnie Anne and Polly Pain times 10...

He slowly gets to his feet and spots Scarlet Scorpion approaching him menacingly.

Omega Spider: Why are you attacking me and what do you mean by I made an apocalyptic mess?

Scarlet Scorpion: Don't pretend to play innocent with me, you and those six are aligned with that Streak psycho that started this monster infestation!

Omega Spider: You're mistaken! We're not working with him, we're trying to stop him and save the cities!

Scarlet Scorpion: Spare me your excuses, first a monster pandemic happens then you seven suddenly show up, trying to be the "heroes" here when you & that streak individual want validation, attention, fame, praise and put others at risk to make yourselves look like gods to everyone when you're the scum who caused this mess!

Omega Spider dodged another tail strike and fires electric webs at her but she grabs them, she gets shocked but takes the pain and yanked it forward and brings Omega Spider close to connect to a solid fist to his gut, sending out the ice cream shop and back first into a hot dog stand. He groans, getting up to face Scarlet Scorpion, who was approaching fast.

Omega Spider: Listen, you've got it all wrong! Streak is the only one trying to ruin the city, not us!

Scarlet Scorpion: (furious) Don't lie to me!!!

She fires a stream of red energy from her tail at Omega Spider, who dodged it as an explosion occurred from the beam hitting a damaged truck of gasoline.

Scarlet Scorpion: You spider crooks are as guilty as that psycho, your pandemic stunt fatally hurt someone I cared about and now I'm going to exterminate all seven of the arachnid pests, starting with you!

She charged at Omega Spider as the two begin to trade strikes and blows with one another, nearly matching each other.

Omega Spider: Look, whoever told you this is manipulating you! My team & I don't hurt innocent people, if you really want to stop the ones responsible then help us out!

Scarlet Scorpion: I don't make deals with menaces!

She grabs him by the neck and slams into the ground, aiming her stinger tail for his chest but he moves out of the way and rolls while avoiding the repeated tail strikes, shooting webs at Scarlet Scorpion's legs and yanking them to trip her, he leaps up in the air and comes down with a double stomp to her armored chest, earning a grunt from the woman.

Scarlet Scorpion growls furiously, slowly got to her feet and baring her fangs, getting on all fours and aims her tail to shoot beams of red energy from it at Omega Spider, who's eyes widened and dropped the blasts.

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