Chapter 18: Gear up!

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In Gwen's lab, Lisa and Gwen were creating various gadgets for their missions while the six loud siblings were trying on their new spider hero suits.

Lincoln: Cool.

Luna: A perfect fit too dude, these suits are amazing.

Lynn: Yeah. Have the powers and now we look the part.

Lana: I agree.

Lori: Literally.

Lucy: Sigh... yeah.

Gwen: Okay, plasma shields.

Lisa: Check. Steel Harden Web grenades.

Gwen: Check. Stun pulsar guns.

Lisa: Check. Tracking devices.

Gwen: Check. Smoke bombs.

Lisa: Check.

Lisa then noticed something on the left side of gwen's front desk, a container tube and inside it was a pile of black and red slime.

Lisa: Hmmm...

Lisa then reached out to touch the container but her hand was grabbed by gwen, who had an ominous look in her eyes.

Gwen: I'm gonna say this only once, lisa. Do. Not. Touch.

Gwen slowly releases lisa's hand and goes back to securing gadgets as the genius loud was silent.

Lisa: ..... (in her mind) well... I take it that she doesn't want anyone messing with this... (looks at the container) organic lifeform within it. Very well, as intriguing as it looks I'll leave it alone.

Lisa went back to securing gadgets, unaware that the red and black slime within the container slightly moved.

Lincoln: Alright, is everything good?

Lori: Yep.

Luna: We're all set bro.

Lynn: Ready!

Lucy: Sigh... all prepared.

Lana: All geared up!

Lisa: Everything is equipped.

Gwen: Good to go.

Lincoln: Great, now let's deal out some justice. (Puts on the mask)



A woman was screaming loudly as she along with a lot of people were running away in terror as numerous creatures were wrecking havok within the great lakes city.

The numerous creatures were once citizens of this town but one bite or scratch from those infected spreads instantly like a contagious disease, transforming a person with a hideous, ravenous beast.

The cops were evacuating the citizens of the town out of the area to safety while the S.W.A.T. team hold off the monstrosities and surprisingly, they're holding their own against the carnivorous beasts.

But how long can the S.W.A.T. unit hold them off?

S.W.A.T. officer 1: Damn it, this is getting too crazy for me!

S.W.A.T. officer 2: I know! This feels like a zombie apocalypse except where are the zombie?! All I see is mutant beasts!

S.W.A.T. officer 3: There's too many of them! Backup! I need Backup-AGH!!!

He gets attacked and turned.

S.W.A.T. officer 4: Oh god...

S.W.A.T. officer 5: We have to hold these monsters here and not risk having any infected civilians get out of the city!

Loud Spider Alliance (A loud house x spiderman crossover)Where stories live. Discover now