Chapter 9: Trouble arises pt 1- Lincoln and luna

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We now cut to the science lab of Dr. Streak as said mad scientist was staring at his deadly neogenetic mutant army in all shapes, sizes and forms with a crazy grin on his face.

Dr. Streak: it is time for a new era to rule this world, my era. For years, people have called me mad, numerous scientists called me a crazy failure and a freak... (sneers) but now it's time I get the respect I clearly deserved!

Numerous roars from streak's monstrous creations echoed throughout the lab as the mad scientist's grin widens.

Dr. Streak: with my neogenetic mutant army, I will rule this world with an iron fist while everyone cower in the shadows and with the infectious mutant virus within my creations veins applied by bite or scratch, everyone who has ever called me a crazy freak will be a monstrous, mutated, inhuman & crazy freak against their will and submit to mine as I turn this world into MY world!!!

The mad scientist then went to the control panel which was connected to five white and red high-tech portal transporters as he types in the codes as the transporters were activated.

Dr. Streak: now go my creations, go out and wreak havoc and revenge on anyone who has ever crossed me as well as turn anyone who you set your sights on into monstrous creatures that I control! These pathetic humans time is OVER!!!! (Laughs maniacally) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

The monstrous mutant army let out massive roars, screeches, dark groans, eerie moans and shrieks as they obeyed their master, each walking through the five transporters one by one, being sent all over the world to fulfil Dr. Streak's twisted ambitions.

Narrator: with luna.

After a very long drive through the city and to the neighborhood, luna finally made it to the house of her lil bro. Parking her party van next to the corvette in the driveway, luna gets out of the van and walks up to the front porch as the rockstar knocks on the front door.

Luna: hey linc, you home?!

No answer. Lightning flashed as the rain drizzled harder. Luna knocks on the door again but louder.

Luna: (yells) lincoln! Bro! Are you home?! C'mon, answer!

Still no answer. Luna groans as she does not want to get sick from being out in the rain too long. She sees that the lights are out inside the house but noticed a faint light in one of the upper windows.

And it was slightly open.

Luna: hmm... I guess I could get in through the window, hope bro doesn't mind me sneaking in. Maybe, I could give him a bloody scare. (Chuckles mischievously)

Luna then backs up a bit before jumping up and sticking to the house walls as she begins to crawl up towards the slightly opened window.

Narrator: with lincoln.

Lincoln: I can't believe the storm knocked out the power.

Holding a flashlight, lincoln was in his bedroom, cleaning up the orange webs he got all over the bedroom from practicing his web shooting as well as cleaning the lamb he destroyed with his electric webbing. After he was done, lincoln disposes of the trash, placing it in a black bag. The lightning flashed and thunder roared as he heard the rain drizzling harder outside.

Lincoln: now I think I'll make myself a snack though it'll be a bit hard making it in the dark. Good thing I have my flashlight for that.

Lincoln then turns around and heads out of the bedroom, unaware that his window was being opened and luna came in, only to get stuck with her large hips eclipsing the window.

Luna: (groans) oh man I'm stuck! Not only did I grow in muscle but the mass went through my hips too. Sigh... Ok lunes just push yourself out.

Luna puts both hands on the window sill and grips it as she uses her strength to get herself out.

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