Chapter 15: Trouble arises pt 7- Another creature attack

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We cut to a hotel room where we see lori sleeping in the bed. She managed to get to bobby last night as he comforted his wife, who tells him that she was attacked by some sort of monster and their house was wrecked. Lori left out the part where she killed the monster herself well as the reason behind her change. Lori decides to tell bobby the truth when she was ready because she was stressed, horrified and tired. Bobby calls the cops and have them investigate their house being wrecked by the 'criminal'. While they were doing so, bobby and lori would spend the night at a five star hotel until the situation is resolved.

When the stormy morning arised, bobby already went to work but not before giving the sleeping lori a kiss as he left to his job.

Narrator: 10:09am.

Lori: (waking up) yaaawwwwnnnnn.. phew, that was a good night sleep.

Lori got up and stretched her arms as she sees that bobby wasn't here, meaning he went to work. Lori sighs as she heads to the bathroom and starts up the shower. Removing her clothing, lori steps in the shower as she felt the warm water on her, lori closed eyes as she saw visions within her mind.... seeing the spider biting her, her painful experience to the bite, the nightmare, her drastic change and the encounter with that weird frog/jellyfish creature... it plagued her mind as she hopes to never see it again.

After a long shower, Lori dried herself off and dresses herself in her light blue top and white jeans. Getting out of the bathroom, lori plops on the bed as she turns on the television with the remote, seeing re-run episodes of dream boat.

Narrator: with lucy, lana and lisa.

We cut to lucy's room where the eighteen year old goth arises from her coffin as she steps out and stretches herself.

Lucy: sigh.... sigh.... sigh.....

She heads to the bathroom and freshens up for a few minutes. Once she was through, lucy exits the bathroom and heads to her room, changing into her usual clothes. Lucy then heads out of her room and walks to lisa's room to see the genius awake and lana here as well but they didn't notice her.

Lucy: sigh... hello.

Lisa and Lana were spooked.

Lisa: huff... huff... don't sneak up on us like that, you nearly caused the neo nanites within my body to activate their defense and extermination protocol mode.

Lucy: sigh... it is ready?

Lisa: yep. (Pulls out a high tech red and blue gun with white glowing highlights) my portal pulsar is indeed ready.

Lana: sweet!

Lisa: this baby is linked to the trackers I implanted in all my siblings so I can find you anywhere in the world as I create a portal and set the coordinates to the person I'm looking for, meaning the first eldest sibling.

Lisa fires the gun as a blue portal was made.

Lana: cool!

Lisa: why thank you, lana.

Lucy: sigh... let's go.

The three loud siblings went through the portal, disappearing... but a red portal opens up as a inhuman figure comes out of it as the red portal closes. The thing spots the blue portal and heads through it as the blue portal closes.

Narrator: back with lori.

The oldest loud ordered room service as she received a large pepperoni pizza, fried shrimp and a chocolate drizzle cheesecake.

Lori: this looks literally delicious, time to dig in.

Before lori could enjoy her food, a blue portal opened which surprised lori.

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