Chapter 22: A Kidnapping & A Predator in the Dark

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The seven loud siblings were absolutely shocked by what just transpired, the reveal of the person behind this mutant pandemic happening in Great Lakes City and Royal Woods.... An insane scientist now a bitter and diabolical criminal, Dr. Streak.

Lori: ......

Luna: ......

Lynn: ......

Lincoln: .....

Lucy: .....

Lana: .....

Lisa: ...... Sweet mother of Einstein.

Bobby then entered the living room.

Bobby: Hey guys, abuela made a big helping of food for dinner. You want some-guys?

He noticed that Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana and Lisa staring at the tv in silence.

Bobby: Guys? (To Lori) Babe? Is everything okay?

Lori snaps out of her train of thought and turns to her husband, who had a worried expression.

Lori: Oh uh sorry Bobby, just saw an interference with the news, turns out the sicko who's responsible for the mutant outbreak revealed himself.

Bobby: Whoa really? Who is he & what does he want?

Lisa: Dr. Streak, a scientist who was denied any praise for his research and deemed insane & unstable for his work with human evolutionary experiment, I even bested him once in one of the science expo. Now a dangerous criminal with illegal chemicals and technology, he plans to mutate all human and animal life on earth, starting with great lakes city and royal woods so he can rule the human race.

Bobby: That's horrible! He needs to be stopped!

Lynn: I agree, we need to find him and give him a good old fashioned beatdown!

Luna: But dude, we don't even know where that mad scientist is.

Lana: Yeah. We just learned about that Streak psycho and we don't have any leads or clues to where he might be hiding.

Lisa: We shall worry about the whereabouts of Dr. Streak at a later date, right now we must focus on evacuating the people who aren't infected out of the danger zone & capture various creatures to analyze their DNA in order to synthesize a cure.

The loud siblings nodded but their stomachs started to growl.

Bobby: Yeah but first, you might wanna get some dinner. Can't fight crime on an empty stomach, hehe.

Lori: (rubs the back of her head; smiles sheepishly) Hehe. Yeah.

Luna: I could go for a bite, brah.

Lynn: Same here.

Lincoln: Sure.

Lucy: Sigh... Ok.

Lana: Sure, I could eat.

Lisa: I guess nutrients are acceptable. Plus, I should use my portal pulsar to hurry back to royal to put a barrier over the loud house, hopefully no infected homo sapiens breached it.

Bobby and the louds head back to the dining room to join the rest of the Casagrandes for dinner. But none of them were aware that Ronnie Anne snuck past them from the basement to the front door, closing the door behind her as she walks towards her police hummer.

Getting inside and starting the vehicle, she looks at the address texted to her by the mysterious caller she was talking to before, the Hispanic police woman's thoughts were wrapped up by the deal the man on the phone is offering to get the answers she was looking for as the risks could be dangerous but Ronnie Anne knew she was doing this for her family.

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