Chapter 20: Horror in the Hospital Pt. 2

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The four spider heroes gazed at the horrifying visage that was staring at them with cold, soulless eyes as it let out a ghoulish howl.

Phantom Spider: Sigh... wicked.

Wild Arachnid: Luce, I don't think now's the time for your spooky moments!

Omega Spider: Whatever this... is, we can't be intimidated by it's presence. We need to get pass this creature to get to Maria.

Crimson Spider: Well then, let's smash it! (Cracks her knuckles)

She runs at the creature with a solid strong punch but the creature caught the punch and grabs crimson spider to throw her across the halls and crashing into one of the hospital rooms.

Crimson Spider: Gah!

Wild Arachnid: Crimson!

The creature then turns to Omega Spider, Wild Arachnid and Phantom Spider with an eerie stare. Suddenly, a couple of Dark spikes sprout out of it's body and shot them at the three.

Wild Arachnid: Incoming!

The three spider heroes dodged it as the dark spikes pierced the walls, floor and ceiling. Phantom Spider noticed the spikes eating away at the walls, floor and ceiling like some kind of acid.

Phantom Spider: Guys... We must be careful, one hit from those spikes and we'll be seeing our own bones.

Omega Spider: Got it. Lana, you find Maria with your sense of smell. Myself, Lynn and Lucy will handle this monster.

Wild Arachnid: Okay, be careful you guys.

Wild Arachnid runs off while the other spider heroes handle this dreadful beast. Crimson Spider regains herself as she glares at the monster.

Crimson Spider: A tough one, huh? I like a challenge.

Crimson Spider lunged at the creature, whose eyes glowed a bit as it fights off Crimson Spider. The spider athlete was dealing out some martial arts style moves to the creature, who was taking the hits on impact as he begins to fight back. Omega Spider and Phantom Spider join in on the fight; all three spider heroes were taking shots at the creature, whose eyes glowed a bit as Phantom Spider noticed.

Phantom Spider: Guys. Get back!

Omega Spider: Ngh!

Crimson Spider: What?!

The creature shot out more dark spikes again as omega spider dodged them by leaping back, phantom spider uses her intangibility to evade the spikes, crimson spider got hit by the spikes while blocking them but it didn't eat away at her skin.

Crimson Spider: Ah, gotta love super tough skin.

The creature then got into fighting stance similar to Crimson Spider's.

Crimson Spider: Are you copying me?! It's on now!

Omega Spider: C'mon, let's hurry up and defeat this monster so we can catch up with Wild Arachnid to find Maria.

Phantom Spider: Sigh... Right. (In her mind) Something's not quite about this creature, it's... different from the others.

The three spider heroes clashed with the creature.


Wild Arachnid was in a different area of the hospital, ducking, dodging and countering more creatures and infected people as she searches for Maria with her enhanced senses.

Wild Arachnid: Ms. Santiago! Where are you?!

She kicks back an eagle/falcon creature, dodged an infected human elephant/swordfish monstrosity as it got its long sharp nose stuck in the walls, counters and punches out a boxing kangaroo/chimp mutant as she heads down the halls.

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