Chapter 8: The spider infection final pt-Changes

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Lincoln's eyes shot open as he jolted up awake, breathing rapidly. He slowly calmed down as he looks around to see that he was in a dark forest shrouded in webs.

Lincoln: (in his mind) where am I...? Last thing I remembered was that I was in excruciating pain, my eyes and veins were glowing orange and I passed out.

Still walking, Lincoln was looking around the dark web shrouded forest.

Lincoln: what is this place...? It must be a dream I'm having... (yells) hello!

His voice echoed throughout the forest.

Lincoln: is anyone here?! Hello!

???: Lincoln!

Lincoln then turns around, only to be tackled by six figures in a strong hug. Lincoln opens his eyes, seeing the figures revealed to be Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lana and Lisa.

Lori: lincoln, it's really you!

Luna: oh linc, I'm so happy to see you bro!

Lana: big brother!

Lincoln was surprised at first but he smiles as he returns the hug.

Lincoln: I'm glad to see you guys too but.... how are you guys in my dream?

Lynn: your dream? We're in my dream.

Lana: naw we're clearly in my dream.

Lisa: it could be possible that we're experiencing the same dream as we are unconscious?

Lucy gasped loudly in shock, gaining everyone's attention.

Lynn: lucy what's wrong?!

Lucy turns to her sisters and brother with a grim expression.

Lucy: I experienced this dream already... or should I say this nightmare.

Lana: you did?

Lucy: yeah... I was wandering this exact same forest when a web shot out of the shadows and pulled me up to reveal a giant black and white spider... it was a horrifying sight even by my standards. It looked at me and spoke, saying that I was the one who it has chosen... The one who will bare it's gift and curse.

Lincoln: whoa... freaky.

Lucy: yes. Judging by you guys being here, you went through the same thing.

Lincoln: well before I passed out, I was feeling unbearable pain, my eyes were glowing orange as well as my veins too.

Lori: hey! That literally happened to me!

Luna: me too!

Lynn: and me!

Lucy: and me...

Lana: and me!

Lisa: myself as well. But what caused it... (thinking for a moment until her eyes widened) I got it! Did anyone get bitten by an arachnid?

Luna: I did but it wasn't poisonous, I checked it at the doctors.

Lincoln: I remember getting bitten by something but I didn't see no spider.

Lori, Lynn, Lucy and Lana: us too!

Lisa: the arachnid's bite must've made us experience those tragic events as well as us appearing before each other in this dream state.

Lori: lisa I don't think spider venom can make your eyes and veins glow.

Lisa: perhaps not a normal spider... but a mutated one.

Lynn: are you saying that the spiders that bit us were... radioactive?!

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