Chapter 17: Enter the Spider Alliance

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We now see Lincoln making another call to his mysterious friend about four more suits, Lynn was doing sit ups, Luna and Lucy were watching tv, Lori and Bobby were having a conversation in the kitchen, Lana was chowing on a couple of ribs down to the bone in the kitchen and Lisa was jolting down some scientific gadget ideas in her notepad.

Lincoln: okay... I sent you four more  sketches of the suits we needed. Okay, Okay, got it. See ya later (Hangs up)

Luna: how's the call bro?

Lincoln: well I managed to send four sketches of the suits acquired for lori, lucy, lana and lisa. We'll expect them done soon today.

Luna: great.

Lucy: may I see your sketches on our suits?

Lincoln: sure.

Lincoln shows lucy the notepad of his sketches.

Lucy: I gotta admit... they're impressive. (Sees the sketch of her suit) Gasp... The design itself is wicked.

Lincoln: thanks lucy.

Luna: dudes! The news is on! Something crazy is happening here!

Lincoln and Lynn joined Luna and Lucy on the couch as this caught the attention of Lori, Lana, Lisa and Bobby as they joined the others on seeing the news.

Katherine mulligan: (holding an umbrella and microphone) this is katherine mulligan reporting to you live on royal woods news with some tragic events. We have reports of bizarre creatures running around, causing unspeakable horror and attacking citizens. We also have word that if one of those creatures bite or scratch a person, they become one of those... monsters themselves!

The camera is showing bizarre creatures of different form, shape and size running wild in the city, causing mayhem as the citizens were trying to run, screaming in horror. Some of the people were getting bitten or scratched, turning into one of those creatures themselves.

Lincoln: what the hell?!

Luna: Oh man...

Lynn: I can't believe what I'm seeing and yet we fought two of those things in the great lakes city...

Lisa: it seems that the creature infection is spreading like wildfire... with royal woods and the great lakes city as the starting point...

Back to the news.

Katherine mulligan: Citizens are already evacuating the city, whoever is watching this... you better stay safe in your homes, tighten your security and don't do anything to attract these carnivorous beasts!


Katherine mulligan: what was that?!

Cameraman: Katherine, behind you!

The cameraman dropped the camera as he and the crew ran away as a bulky creature crossed between a rhino and a jaguar tackle katherine mulligan to the ground, biting her shoulder as she screamed in pain and fear. She looked at the camera on the ground in fear as her eyes were turning green as the creature was infecting her.

Katherine mulligan: HELP ME!!! SOMEONE... (Voice getting deeper) HELP MEEEEE... AAAAAAGGGGGG-GGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Katherine mulligan was seen slowly mutating into a monster before the camera went off in static. The seven loud siblings and Bobby looked at the TV in shock and silent for a moment until lucy spoke.

Lucy: gasp... an apocalypse is upon us all...

The light flashed and thunder roared.

Lori: oh my god, this is bad!

Loud Spider Alliance (A loud house x spiderman crossover)Where stories live. Discover now