Chapter 2: It has begun pt 1: Lincoln

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The scene cuts to a huge laboratory where a pale skinned man about five ft ten, slender physique, black hair. He was wearing a swing lab coat, black pants and boats.

He was experimenting with spiders, studying and genetically modifying their DNA. After a few failed attempts with most of his spider specimens either exploding or melting, only seven spiders survived the genetic DNA modification process, rendering them stable.

The scientist grinned as he laughs in a maniacal way.

???: hahahahaha! Yes! I, the absolutely brilliant Dr. Streak have done it! I have successfully created the perfect modified super spiders, with these seven subjects... I'm sure to get the reward for my creations! Oh they all said I was mad, well who's mad now?! Hahahaha!

Just then, a short, bald, fat man in a lab coat came in carrying huge batches of chemical water.

Fat man: sir, I brought the chemical water you ordered.

Dr. Streak: perfect. Hugo, I have finally created the perfect modified super spiders.

Hugo: (gulps nervously) s-spiders?

Dr. Streak: (grins) yes... with their special modified DNA, I'll be the most brilliant and richest scientist in the entire world!

Hugo got a look at the seven little spiders in the glass tanks of webs. The first one was an orange spider, medium-sized, slightly long eight legs and black and white trim on its second abdomen. The second one was a light blue spider of average size, slightly large eight legs and white trims on its second abdomen. The third one was a black & purple spider with fur, was slightly large with slightly large eight legs and a white crescent moon emblem on its second abdomen. The fourth one was a red spider, this one was slightly small with slightly long eight legs and white streaks on its second abdomen. The fifth one was a black spider, slightly large with long and skinny eight legs and white, wiggly ghost-like streaks on its second abdomen. The sixth one was a dark blue spider of large size and wild fur, slightly large eight legs and black & yellow shreds on its second abdomen. And the last one was a green spider, quite small with abnormally long eight legs.

Hugo stared at the seven spiders in fears but the fear increased by ten as the seven arachnids were staring right at him.

Hugo: (screams in fear) S-S-SPIDERS!!!

Hugo backed away quickly but ended up falling backwards to the floor, dropping the containers of chemical water, two of them landed on the machines, splashing it on the machines and causing an overload frequently. And the other two landed on the table with the seven spiders on them, knocking the table down as the glass tanks shattered while the seven spiders escaped.

Dr. Streak: (angry) NONONOOOO!!! HUGO YOU IDIOT!!!

Dr. Streak tries to catch the spiders but they were too fast and agile as they were out of his reach. Soon, the seven spiders crawled into one of the machines that was short circuiting by the chemical water hugo dropped.

Dr. Streak: No! Not the transporter!

Dr. Streak runs to the machine and tries to turn it off but it was too late as the transporter engulfed the seven spiders in a bright green light that slightly blinded the scientist.

Once the green light faded, Dr. Streak saw the seven spiders have vanished from the transporter.

Dr. Streak: no! no! NOOOOOOOOO!!!

Hugo got up and shook in fear as the scientist had his dreadful gaze set on him. He marched towards the scared fat man, grabs him by the front of his lab coat and yells angrily in hugo's face.

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