Chapter 5: It has begun pt 4: Lori

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Narrator: Out in the upper south side of Michigan.

We cut to a huge house in a nice neighborhood where we see a light blue van coming up to the driveway.

Out of the van, a woman comes out with a brief case in hand. That woman was revealed to be 27 yr old lori loud. She now has a graceful physique far surpassed her mother, has slightly short blonde hair and wearing pearl earrings. She was wearing a dark blue business suit with a white dress shirt and black top underneath as well as white dress shoes.

As lori entered her home, she let's out an exhausted groan as she places her brief case on the coffee table and lays down on the couch

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As lori entered her home, she let's out an exhausted groan as she places her brief case on the coffee table and lays down on the couch.

Lori: phew... another business deal sorted out. Being a business woman for an advanced phone company literally takes a lot outta me. I'm glad this day is the start of my vacation days.

Lori then saw a couple of envelopes shoved through the mail slot of her door. She gets up and heads towards the door, picks up the envelopes and walks back to the couch.

Sitting down, lori goes through the envelopes.

Lori: let's see... bill, bill, bobby's check, a subscription to dream boat magazines, my check, a letter to the loud house family reunion... wait a minute!

Lori grabbed the letter as she begins to read it.

Lori: Dear Lori loud, you and your husband Roberto "bobby" Santiago are invited to the loud house family reunion which is in six days. I miss you and I can't wait to see my first oldest daughter again, we love you, Rita loud and Lynn loud Sr. Awww.... (Touched)

Lori was now glad about the loud house family reunion. She misses her parents, sisters and brother & would love to see them again and now she has her chance. And more of her vacation days start tomorrow so she'll be able to attend.

Lori immediately got out her phone and quickly texted her husband bobby about the loud house family reunion. Bobby texted back saying that he was excited about going to the family reunion as well as seeing his sister ronnie anne, who will probably be coming to the reunion with lincoln.

Bobby then texted that he has to get back to work as he texted "I love you babe" while lori smiled and texted him back saying, "I love you too boo-boo bear".

After putting her phone in her pocket, Lori laid back down on the couch, sighing happily as she grabbed the remote and turns on her plasma wide screen television, changing the channels until she came across her favorite and still running show, dream boat.

Lori: oh! The new episode of dream boat is on!

As Lori was watching her show, a faint glow appeared on the ceiling but lori didn't notice it. The light faded to reveal the light blue super spider which set it's sights on lori as the spider lowers itself down with it's web slowly until it lands in Lori's hair.

The light blue super spider then crawls down from lori's hair and crawl further down to the back of her neck and bites her.

Lori: Yeeeooouuuuccccchhhh!!!!

Lori smacks the back of her neck but the super spider got out of the way as it shot out its web and went up the ceiling, crawling away to who knows where.

Lori: (rubbing the back of her neck) ow! Ouch! Damn what bit me?! (Looks around her surroundings on the couch but found nothing; shrugs) uuuuggggghhhh... nevermind, must've been a mosquito or something. Better spray the living room later... but for now, back to dream boat! (Smiles)

Lori goes back to watching her show, unaware of the faintly glowing bite she received from the super spider.

To be continued...

(Chapter 5 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter and my sketch of Lori loud. The final chapter of "it has begun" arc will have lucy, lana and lisa. This is omegacrow fading to black and I wish all of you guys a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!)

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