Chapter 23: Dangerous Experiments & Mutations- A familiar Web head appears

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We cut to the streets of Great Lakes City as Ronnie Anne was driving her police hummer through the ruined roads to the location of the mysterious caller who offered her a deal that'll give her the answers she needed regarding her mother injured and in a coma as well as the mutant pandemic plaguing the city.

Ronnie Anne: Turn right he said, followed by a U-turn.

Ronnie Anne turns the wheel, making a quick right turn before driving quickly down four blocks as she made a U-turn around the path.

Ronnie Anne: Now turn left and stop at the third block.

The Hispanic police woman did just that in turning left, driving straight down the road until she stopped on the third block.

She looks out the window to see an old warehouse, Ronnie Anne looks at the address again on her phone text; it was the exact same as the one on the warehouse sign.

Ronnie Anne: Alright then... this better not be a prank someone's pulling on me.

Ronnie Anne leaves her vehicle and walks towards the warehouse door, readying her gun as she kicks the door down, aiming her gun forward while entering the warehouse. She looks around, the place looked deserted with broken down machines, holes in walls, glass windows broken, cob webs and dust mostly everywhere.

Ronnie Anne then received a message on her phone as she pulls it out and looks at the message from the mysterious caller.

Ronnie Anne: (Reads) Head to the main office, find a statue of a dragon and turn it's head to the left.

Ronnie Anne then heads to the main office, opening the door which fell to the ground.

Ronnie Anne: This place is older than old.

The main office has a desk in the center of the room, a run down book shelf with ripped up books scattered around, torn blinds hanging from the windows and... a statue of a dragon on the right side of the room.

Ronnie Anne: Bingo.

She heads over to the dragon statue and turns it's head to the left as a click sound was heard, revealing the desk moving to the left to unveil an entrance in the ground.

Ronnie Anne: A secret passageway?

Ronnie Anne then heads down the passageway, walking down the stairs as the halls got darker while Ronnie Anne takes out a flashlight so she can see. Walking further down the stairs, Ronnie Anne waved her flashlight to see the end of the stairway as well as a metal door, she reaches the end and pushes the metal door open to enter the secret room.

The room itself was a lab of some kind, equipped with a large tube like pod in the center, a large screen computer on the wall, control panels and more. Ronnie anne then hears growling as she turns around to see a tall & muscular man lizard monster with torn blue pants & a high tech collar around his neck looming towards her with furious red eyes as he was going to attack Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne brought up her gun to fire as the Man lizard lunged at her but all of a sudden..... he was electrocuted, falling to the ground and roaring in pain, gripping the collar.

Ronnie Anne: What the...?

???: (A grim, male voice) Now, now Connors. That's no way to treat our guest...

The Lizard aka Dr. Curt Connors growled as he stands down.

Ronnie Anne turns to the big screen, finding a man wearing an armored skull mask with white eyes, a white hood, and a dark blue, white and silver armored bodysuit equipped with several hoister belts for his weapons.

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