Chapter 10: Trouble arises pt 2- Lori and Lynn

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Narrator: with lori.

Lori was in her room, trying and failing to calm herself down after the accident that happened. Her transformation, the spider powers and blasting her bathroom wall with blue energy blasts from her hands.

Lori: this can't be happening... this can't be happening... it has to be another nightmare I'm having. (Smiles nervously) yeah, maybe if I pinch myself... I'll wake up!

Lori pinches her right arm, then her stomach and her face cheeks.

Lori: ow! Ouch! Owowowow!!!

She stops pinching herself.

Lori: ugghhhh! Okay, I'm not dreaming. (Looks at her transformated state) hmmm... I admit that I look even more good than I did before but... what's boo boo bear gonna think? What's my family gonna think?!

Then lori heard a strange gurgling and growling sound.

Lori: huh?

She heard it again but louder as the noise was coming from the hallway. Gulping nervously, lori heads to her closet and grabs a golf club as she slowly walks towards her door and opens it. Poking her head out of her room, lori looked around the hallway to find nothing there as she heard the thunder roared as the storm drizzled harder outside.

Lori: hello?

The strange gurgling and growling sound were heard again, this time it was downstairs. Lori exits her room and slowly approached the stairs,  quietly tip toeing down each step to not alert the intruder. Entering the living room, lori's eyes widened upon seeing her furniture slightly melted with green goop.

Lori: what... the... hell...?

Lori then heard some crashing sounds coming from the kitchen. She grips her goft club and heads to the kitchen slowly, tip toeing with each step as the crashing sounds got louder and louder in the kitchen.

Lori slowly peeks her head through the door way to the kitchen, seeing that it was literally damaged and covered in that green goop. Lori then slowly walks in and suddenly stops at the fridge to see... the intruder gulping down lori's food. And Lori herself noticed something off the intruder...

It didn't look human.

Lori accidentally steps on a can and slips on it, falling on her back.

Lori: ouch!

As Lori was groaning, she looks and had a horrified expression as she noticed that the 'intruder' was now staring at her. Lori got a good look at the 'intruder', it was a horrifying and hideous sight to behold. It looked like a frog creature with glowing light purple skin akin to a jellyfish with long jellyfish stingers on its back, sharp tusk fangs and it was the size and height of a human!

Lori slowly got up with her golf club in defense, slowly backing away from the frog/jellyfish creature which glares at her with crazy yellow and red eyes as it let out a loud gurgling roar.


Lori: (screams) AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

The creature jumped at lori, who dodges the attack as she runs out of the kitchen. Lori tries to head for the front door but the giant frog/jellyfish creature jumped right in front of her, roaring.

Lori backed away as the creature lunged at her.

Lori: stay back! Stay back, whatever you are! I'm armed!

Lori hits the creature across the face with her golf club several times though the creature was barely hurt, it was only irritated. Lori saw that her golf club have melted halfway from the frog/jellyfish creature's skin.

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