Chapter 14: Trouble arises pt 6- Payback Time!

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It was a massive thunderstorm today in the great lakes city as we see Luna, Lynn and Lincoln web swinging through the city, heading west as Luna told Lynn and Lincoln that hawk and hank would be hiding in an abandoned factory in that direction.

Lynn: (doing aerial flips while web slinging) Woohoooo!!! This is amazing!

Lincoln: you're telling me, it feels like I'm in a superhero comic book!

Luna: hehehe. Gotta admit, these powers are rockin'!

Luna, Lincoln and Lynn begin running and jumping over various rooftops, enjoying themselves.

Lincoln: oh yeah!

Lynn: number 1 corkscrew flip, nailed it!

Luna: dudes, found the factory!

Lincoln and Lynn saw what Luna was talking about as the three louds found the abandoned factory, luna sees the truck parked meaning that hawk and hank were in the factory.

Luna: they're here and just in time too.

Lynn: yeah, let's give them the beating of a lifetime.

Lincoln: wait! Instead of going in there head on, I have a better plan.

Lynn: fine... it better be good.

Luna: alright bro, we're all ears.

Lincoln then whispers into his two sisters ears of his plan. Soon, mischievous and evil grins formed on the faces of lynn and luna with lincoln joining in as the lightning flashed, illuminating their grins as they head down to the abandoned factory to exact payback.

Meanwhile within the factory, the place was huge, broken machines, old offices with shattered windows, lights were on and we see two familiar big and muscular men opening two crates.

The two bullies now dangerous thugs known as hank and hawk.

Hank: damn it, open up! Hawk, give me a hand with this bro!

Hawk: on it!

The two with all their strength got the crate open, throwing the lid aside as they looked into the crate with grins as they pulled out well equipped, high tech guns.

Hawk: the things we can do with this kind of firepower.

Hank: yeah... we'd be stinking rich and the most feared men in the world!

They were laughing unaware that lincoln, luna and lynn were watching them from the shadows.

Hawk: glad we managed to steal these babies, we can get away with anything with these new blasters. But before that, we still got a job to do... (grins evilly)

Hank: (grins evilly) yeah... revenge. We already got rid of that rockstar wannabe loud, now we're gonna hunt down each loud and kill them all for that stunt they pulled on us years ago.

The three loud siblings were watching them laughing as they glared at hawk and hank from the shadows as the two punks didn't know what was coming.

Luna and lynn look at lincoln as they nodded while spotting the power switch to the lights. Lincoln aims his hands as his electric webs shot out at the switch, frying it as the lights went out, alarming hawk and hank.

Hawk: what the hell?!

Hank: who turned out the light?!

They soon heard some rustling sounds coming from all around them as the two thugs stood back to back, on guard with their blasters.

Hank: what was that?

Hawk: I don't know, keep an eye out for anything!

Hank: how?! We can't see in the dark!

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