Chapter 16: Trouble arises part 8- An early reunion

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We cut to the great lakes city park where we see a woman in a red raincoat walking through the storm with an umbrella, trying to get home quickly as the storm was drizzling wildly.

Upon walking through the park, the woman heard groaning up ahead as she noticed someone on the sidewalk. It was a bald man in a dark gray coat and his back was turned to the woman as he was on his knees, groaning in pain. The woman slowly approached the hurt man.

Woman: sir... are you okay?

The bald man only groaned in reply.

Woman: do you need some help, I can get you to a hospital.

The woman places her hand on the man's shoulder for him to face her but she screamed as she backed away as the 'man' rose to his feet. The bald man or so the woman thought was a man, had a monstrous right arm with blue scales, three reptilian eyes on the right, one huge reptilian left eye, sharp fangs and scales on his face.

The mutated man let out a loud roar as the woman screamed, making a run for it but the mutated man leaps at high speed and pounces on the woman, sinking his fangs into her shoulder as she screamed in horror and pain. The mutated man let her go as he roared, running away into the stormy fog.

The woman held her left shoulder, groaning in pain as she felt sick... suddenly, she noticed her sleeves getting tighter as her arms grew a bit muscular, ripping the sleeves as two scaly muscular arms were shown, shocking and horrifying the woman. The woman's grunts and moans were getting deeper and distorted as scales sprouted on her face with her left eye enlarging and becoming more reptile like, same with the right eye with two more eyes sprouting on the side, her teeth became sharp fangs, her back enlarged disformingly as well as her right leg and left foot.

The change was complete as the now mutated woman let out a loud, ghoulish roar before running through the stormy fog to find her some victims.

Narrator: at lincoln's home.

We cut to lincoln's house where we see lincoln on the couch, making a call to this 'special' friend of his (not clyde) about his and his two sisters secret as well as an order of special suits for them. Lynn was doing pushups with one hand tied behind her back while luna was enjoying a sandwich while listening to some music on her headphones. Meanwhile, ronnie anne was still asleep in her and lincoln's room due to working night shifts.

Soon, lincoln got off the phone.

Lynn: (grunting; doing pushups) so... how was... ngh... the call...?

Lincoln: she said that she won't tell a soul about our secret and can hook us up with some gear for our hero job.

Lynn: sweet!

Lincoln: I sent pics of the designs I sketched needed for our suits that way she can work on them no problem.

Lynn: cool! I just can't believe we kicked hawk and hank's asses, though I'm not surprised we would of beaten them anyway but with these powers... it was incredible!

Lincoln: yep, it was quite awesome. At least hawk and hank got the message in prison that when you start a war with the louds, we're gonna be the ones to finish it.

Lynn: (smirks) oh I heard that.

Luna ate her sandwich as she took off her headphones.

Luna: ah that was delicious. So bro, how did the call go?

Lincoln: it went well, she said that she won't tell a soul about our secret and I sent the designs I sketched so she'll hook us no problem.

Luna: rockin'! Can't wait to see 'em!

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