Chapter 13: Trouble arises pt 5- Ronnie anne

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Lincoln, Luna and Lynn: Uh oh!

Lincoln: you guys stay in here, I'll keep ronnie anne busy!

Luna and lynn nodded in agreement as lincoln left the guest room, closing the door behind him as he went downstairs to see his wife Ronnie anne Santiago in the living room, placing her rain soaked police coat on the couch.

Ronnie anne was tall but a bit shorter than lincoln, has a beautiful and athletic physique, freckles and long black hair. She was wearing a dark blue police uniform, with a black utility belt with a gun and gun holster on the left part of her belt and wearing black boots.

 She was wearing a dark blue police uniform, with a black utility belt with a gun and gun holster on the left part of her belt and wearing black boots

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Ronnie anne sees lincoln and smiles.

Ronnie anne: hey linc.

Lincoln: hey ronnie anne.

The two hugged and shared a kiss before breaking the hug as ronnie anne noticed the orange and black streaks in lincoln's white hair.

Ronnie anne: what's with the streaks in your hair, Lame-O?

Lincoln: (lied) oh... uhhh... I was g-going for a new look, yeah. Do you like it?

Ronnie anne: eh... it's cool.

Lincoln: o-okay.

Ronnie anne noticed the nervous look in Lincoln's eyes and when she notices that look... ronnie anne knows when lincoln's either lying or hiding something from her or both.

Ronnie anne: hmmm...

Lincoln: problem ronnie anne?

Ronnie anne: (glares) I get the suspicious feeling that you're hiding something from me lincoln.

Lincoln: (stuttering) w-what? No! I'm not-

Ronnie anne: are you lying to an officer of the law, Lame-O?

Lincoln: n-no! I'm not, I just-

A loud bump sound was heard upstairs.

Ronnie anne: what was that?!

Lincoln: n-nothing!

Ronnie anne didn't believe him as she got out her gun and heads upstairs.

Lincoln: ronnie anne, wait!

Lincoln runs upstairs after her as ronnie anne heard the sounds coming from the guest room. She kicks the door down and rushes in, aiming the gun.

Ronnie anne: freeze!

But she finds nothing here. Wanting to make sure, ronnie anne would check the room. Lincoln would walk in as he saw ronnie anne checking the room, looking under the bed, behind the curtains, then outside the window, the large vents and finally she goes to the closet as she heard whispering behind the door.

Lincoln: ronnie anne wait-

Ronnie anne: what's behind door number 1?!

Ronnie anne opens the closet door and aims her gun, seeing luna and lynn as they screamed.

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