Chapter 11: Trouble arises pt 3- Lucy, Lana and Lisa

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Narrator: at the loud house.

It was drizzling very hard out in royal woods as we cuts to the loud house where vanzilla parked in the driveway. Rita and Lisa stepped out of the van, closing the doors as they ran to the front porch. Getting the keys out of her purse, Rita unlocks the door as she and lisa head inside the loud house, closing the door behind them.

Rita: phew! That was close, didn't wanna stay in the rain too long or else we've might gotten sick.

Lisa: indeed. Now mother unit if you'll excuse me, I have to head up to my dwelling quarters.

Rita: ok lisa.

Lisa then hugs her.

Lisa: again I apologize for my mistake that almost cost me my life and you a daughter, I'm sorry for worrying you.

Rita smiled and hugs lisa.

Rita: it's okay lisa, I understand. But like I said before, be careful. I love you too much to lose you or any of my children, okay?

Lisa: yes mother.

They break the hug.

Rita: goodnight lisa.

Lisa: goodnight mother.

Rita headed to her and lynn Sr room while lisa heads upstairs to her room. Closing the door, lisa sighed as she turned her attention to lily, who was still asleep. The genius noticed that the mess from her experiment was cleaned up... must have been after she was taken to the hospital. Approaching her desk and sitting down, lisa rolled up her sleeve and stares at her right arm which begins to sprout ten neo spider nano machines out her skin.

Lisa: this is truly a sight to behold... I must do further research to analyze these nano machines now apart of me...

A knock at the door was heard.

Lisa: hmm? I wonder who that could be at this time of night?

Lisa gets off her chair and walks towards her room door, opening it to see no one there.

Lisa: hmm?

Lisa stepped out of her room and looked around the hallway to see no one in sight. Lisa shrugged it off, thinking this was some kind of prank and not wanting to deal with it at this time. Then her spider sense went off as she felt a chilling presence behind her.

???: lisa...

Lisa: aaahhh!!

Lisa screamed as she fell on her butt to see lucy carrying lana on her back.

Lisa: oh it's only you, lucy and you too lana. Sigh... why must you always sneak upon me like that?

Lucy: it's my hobby... and I love it.

Lisa noticed the physical changes on lucy and lana.

Lisa: what happened to you two?

Lana: we were bitten by radioactive spiders and it changed us.

Lisa: I see... so I'm not the only one.

Lucy: yeah... also, where were you? When I woke up and checked the rooms, you were nowhere to be found.

Lisa: I was at the hospital after my encounter with the radioactive arachnid and my experiment went haywire.

Lana: are you okay?

Lisa: I am okay... in fact, I'm absolutely ecstatic! As the arachnids venom affected me greatly and as I was calling for assistance, my neo nano machines responded to my voice as they entered my flesh, merging with me as well as giving arachnid-like abilities. Observe.

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