Chapter 4: It has begun pt 3: Luna

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Narrator: in the great lakes city, the rockaplooza concert dome.

We cut to the to upper north side of the great lakes city where we see a rock concert and thousands of people were going wild to the loud music up on the stage.

On the stage, performing for the crowd was none other than 25 yr old luna loud. She has slightly long brown hair in a pixie cut, still has her paperclip earrings and has a beautiful and graceful physique. She was wearing a purple tattered shirt with a skull on it, wore a sleeveless black jacket, light purple jeans that shows off her hips akin to her mother's with a bottom to match, black wristbands and purple and black rockstar boots.

 She was wearing a purple tattered shirt with a skull on it, wore a sleeveless black jacket, light purple jeans that shows off her hips akin to her mother's with a bottom to match, black wristbands and purple and black rockstar boots

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She was shredding on her axe, performing her song, "play it loud" to the crowd, who was erupting in cheers which echoed throughout the concert dome.

As luna was done, the crowd was chanting, "encore" over and over again as luna smirked.


The crowd cheers loudly, meaning it was a yes.


Luna then starts shredding on her axe, turning it up high to an eleven as the crowd erupted in wild cheers as luna continues to perform for them.

Narrator: 7 hours later.

The concert came to an end as the crowd left with their rock n' roll stuff signed by famous single rockstar luna loud herself. Luna then took off in her purple party van down to the upper outskirts away from the city to an average neighborhood where she made it to her mansion.

Luna exits the party van as she heads inside of her mansion.

Luna: oh man, what a rockin' party!

Luna then went to the kitchen to grab herself a bite to eat. She sighs happily, living the life of a rockstar, traveling around the world and performing for millions of people. A few weeks back, luna return to the great lakes city where she and her girl sam sharp live as luna was vacationing from world tours (not permanently of course).

One day, sam got a contract deal to perform on her own world tour but was only for 9 months. Sam talked about this with luna, hoping that she'll support her on this. Luna was bummed out about sam leaving for 9 months but she wanted her love to fulfill her dreams too so luna supported sam going on tour, much to sam's excitement. Sam left but not before giving luna a passionate kiss and promising to call luna and video chat with her on her laptop at times as she took her leave, while luna has the entire mansion to herself.

Luna would sometimes visit lincoln, who also lives in the great lakes city but their homes are very far from each other. However, it didn't stop neither of them as they would meet up and hang out.

While preparing her food, luna noticed a bunch of mail on her table, She goes over to check them out.

Luna: let's see... fan mail, fan mail, fan mail, bill, bill, my check, a letter from sam which I'll save in my pocket (puts the letter from sam in her pocket), fan mail, a letter from the fam... wait!

Luna grabs the letter which was from her family as she begins to read it.

Luna: dear luna loud, you and sam are invited to the loud house family reunion in six days, can't wait to see you again and I miss you my little musician, love rita loud. (Touched) awwww....

Then luna reads what her father wrote.

Luna: 'ello there fellow rocker, I can't wait to see you again so we can jam for old times sake, I miss you and I hope you'll make a rockin' appearance at the old house mate, your old man lynn loud Sr. (Chuckles) hehehe... oh pa.

Luna was now getting excited about the loud house family reunion which is six days and she can't wait to see the fam. She bet lincoln has already gotten a letter but she'll call him later.

Heading upstairs to her room with her meal, she places her food on her desk, plop dives on her queen size bed and grabs the remote, turning on the television.

Luna: ohhh, mick swagger's greatest hits is on!

As luna was enjoying her meal and watching mick swagger on tv, out from the left corner of the ceiling... a faint glow appeared to reveal the purple super spider. The super spider then crawled on top of the ceiling and begins to slowly descend from its web on top of luna. As it descended from the ceiling, the purple super spider landed on luna's right shoulder, which caught the rockstar's attention.

Luna: what the-?!

But it was too late as the purple super spider bit luna on the shoulder.


Luna smacked her shoulder but the purple super spider evaded luna's hand as it landed on the ground as it crawled away from her and out of the room.

Luna: (rubbing her shoulder) ow, ow, ow, ow.... damn spider! Oh man, I gotta book it to the hospital before the spider venom spreads throughout my body and brain...

Luna ran out of the room, road the rails down the stairs and headed out the door where she got in her party van and started the engine as luna quickly drove away from her mansion to the hospital.

Narrator: 6 hours later.

The party van came up to the driveway as luna came out of the van, heading into her mansion. It was a crazy day when luna was driving like a maniac to the hospital, running through red and yellow lights to get there.

As luna got there, she asks for a doctor to see if there's any poison from the purple spider in her system and was hoping that they could get the poison out of her. A doctor took luna in as she gave a description of the spider that bit her to the doctor as said doctor took a sample of luna's blood and ran some tests. Luna was waiting for the doc to come back, shaking nervously and hoping that they could remove the poison.

The doctor came back with the test results, saying that there was no poison to be found in her bloodstream and declared that luna was fine. Luna sighs in relief as she pays the doc and leaves.

Back at her mansion, luna heads to her room and plops on her bed.

Luna: (sighs) oh blimey.... thank goodness that spider wasn't poisonous or I'd be rockin' out in the afterlife. Well, back to mick swagger's greatest hits.

Luna grabs the remote and watches her show but was unaware that the spider bite she received was faintly glowing.

To be continued....

(Chapter 4 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketch of luna. Next chapter is gonna be about lori, this is omegacrow fading to black....)

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