Chapter 61

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After Izana leave together with Seiyu and Kakucho to hospital, Mikey takes care of everything at scene as he starts to talk, getting everyone attention.

"Members of Toman and Tenjiku. Everyone listen up! Our dispute ends here. An ambulance and the cops will arrive shortly!! Before any of us get into trouble, get out of here as soon as possible!", said Mikey to all of them. Making some of Tenjiku lil bit confused.

"DISMISS !!! STOP STALLING AROUND!!", shout Mikey to all of them.

Takemichi still crying as he stares at how Mikey is, didn't have any emotion on his face. Mikey then turn to look at Kisaki, who still on the ground. His expression changed, he completely lost as he keeps on talking while slowly walking towards Kisaki.

"You....",said Mikey while getting closer to Kisaki as Kisaki also slowly moves back.

"Not only you almost kill my sister.....", said Mikey.

"Mikey-kun....", call Takemichi who looked so worried.

"You almost kill my fucking girlfriend....and she right now in critical condition.....with only 30% on surviving.", said Mikey, getting closer to Kisaki. Kisaki scare, looking at how pissed off Mikey is. Ready to kill him any moment.

"And shots my fucking brother.", said Mikey with his eyes look so empty. "I will never forgive you.", he said in serious tone.

"If any of them ended dying......I will fucking kill you, Kisaki.", said Mikey while death glaring at Kisaki, causing Kisaki to flinch with the glare that he received.

"Mikey really so pissed right now.",said Baji who watching Mikey walking closer to Kisaki.

"Who wouldn't? He not only almost kill Haru , who is the person Mikey loves. He evens almost kill aniki.", said Kazutora in rage. "I won't forgive that bastard if anything bad happens to the both of Haru and aniki.",add Kazutora.

Then suddenly a screaming can be heard as all of them turn to focus on the sudden voice.

"KISAKIIIIII !!! GOTCHA!!", shout Hanma while dragging Kisaki away from the scene with the bike.

"That's fucking bastard..!!",Mikey shout as he pisses that Kisaki getting away with Hanma.

'Shit! They're getting away! If they escape then nothing will change!', Takemichi thoughts that screaming inside his head as look as Kisaki was getting away after doing so many bad things.

"TAKEMICCHI!!", shout Draken, making Takemichi turn to look at him. "We'll chase them!!"

"DRAKEN-KUN!!", as he happy that they will chase after them, Takemichi suddenly worried to leave Hina alone.



"You got it.", said Takemichi in serious tone.

As Takemichi and Draken gain around on Hanma and Kisaki, Draken vows to catch them no matter what.

"WE'LL GET THEM NO MATTER WHAT, TAKEMICCHI!!!",shout Draken while riding the bike in full speed.

"YEA!!", shout Takemichi, as he remembered all the bad things had happened to him.

'Naoto. Soon, we'll finally corner them!! Taking over Toman just to kill Draken. Manipulating Kazutora and almost killing Baji. Killing Chifuyu in the future. Ruining the Shiba Brothers. Killing Naoto. Turning aniki into leader of criminal organization in the future. Almost killing Emma and Haru who's now in critical condition. Izana, Kaku-chan and....aniki....And above all, whatever his reason is to continuously kill Hina!', he thoughts.

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