[31] Old Wild West

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My days of rest are almost over, I did physioterapy and today I've to do the checkup at the hospital, if it goes well I will finally be able to remove the brace and start working again.

Carina is already there, the last week she started to work again, so she's gonna take the weekend free for our little vacation.

A few days ago the results of cheks carried out after the accident, arrived, the traffic light did not work as it should, it was green for me and for Athena at the same time.
So it's no one's fault.
When they called me to tell me this I cried In Carina's arms. I was felt so relieved.
I was really afraid it was my fault.

It's 5:00 p.m. and the checkup is at 5:30 p.m. I'm definily late, so I finish to get ready as fast as possible. I was taking my bag and my keys when I hear the sound of a clacson and at the same time I get a message from Andy.

"I'm outside, come down we're late."

I close the door behind me and I run into the car, to my friend. We hug and after that she turns on the radio and a Spanish song start playing. It's actually really beautiful.

"It's one of my favourite songs, I can't stop listening to it, it's a bachata and it relax me a lot. It make me thinking about my family, when I was kid we use to dance salsa and bachata toghether... I have a lot of beautiful memories."

I look at her, talking about her origins and her eyes are shining. You can see how much that part of her family had missed her.

We arrive at the hospital a minute early, I thanks Andy and we hug again. While I was running towards the hospital's entrance I hear her screaming.

"Everything will be fine, see you tomorrow at work, captain!"

I'm sitting on the bed in the orthopedics department waiting for the new control plates, when Carina arrives.

"Hey baby, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I can't wait to get my arm out of this thing."

She pulls the curtains of the bed and came near me to give me a kiss on the lips.

"I missed you today"

She says to me, and then she kiss me again and again...
We are lost in our kiss when we hear someone cough.


I turn around and see Dr. Bailey smiling, watching us a little embarrassed.
Maya and I visibly blush.

"Hello captain, how is the recovery going?"

"Hello dr. Bailey, it's going well, your doctor says that now I' m surely gonna remove the brace, but he wanted to do some new x-rays to make sure my arm was completely healed".

"I'm really happy to hear that! But now I must go back to work, as well as someone else, I am right dr. De Luca?"

"You're right boss, I 'm sorry, I immediately go back to work."

I greet Maya with a quick kiss and go back to my ward.


I'm out of the hospital, with my arm finally free and healed and it's almost dinner time, Carina finishes work on an hour... so I decide to order a takeaway from the Old Wilde West. I realise I don't have a car here, so I call a taxi to go home. I don't know how, but I get dinner and arrive on time to pick her out of the hospital.
When she gets in the car, smell our dinner looking at me smiling, and giving me a very sweet kiss, she says to me in Italian.

"Buonasera mia bellissima bionda, how is your arm? Does it hurts?" (Good evening my beautiful blonde)

"No it's fully functional and I don't feel any pain"

"I'm happy to hear that, by the way... Old Wilde West? Are we celebrating?"

She asks me, with a smile that promises only good things, and that shut off completely my brain.

I nod and give her another kiss, then we leave to go home.
As soon as I open the door of the house she goes into the bathroom to wash her hands, I follow her hand stand behind her figure, hold on her body. I begin to wash my hands with her, and kiss her neck at the same time... with soft and sweet kisses. She moans a little and involuntary begins to move her hips.


When she kiss my neck like this...I think I may no longer be responsable for my own actions.
But I wanna play a little bit with her tonight...
So I try to resist and when I finish to wash my hands I quickly walk away from her saying:

"Dinner will be cold, come on!"

And I go to the bedroom, leaving her unsatisfied with the hands full of soap.
I'm just trying to resist her a little bit and have fun.


I walk into the bedroom and see her wearing only the lingerie, while she bends over to put on some comfortable pants. She notice me and turns slightly so I can watch her better... oh god, did she decided to drive me crazy tonight? 'Cause damn, it's working...

I don't care about dinner, I want to make her mine, now.

I suddenly go towards her, grab her by the hips and start kissing her with passion, pushing her until she touches the wall with her back.

Hi everyone, I'm back...(I hope)
Thanks to all who keep reeding my story. You are so beautiful and makes me really happy.

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