[29] BOOM

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I hear a horn and a loud noise, and then nothing more.....

I wake up and I realize I'm upside down, I try to move and I feel a very strong pain in my left shoulder, where there's the car belt.

Shit...I probably dislocated or fractured my shoulder.
The pain is excruciating.

I take off the belt and I fall down on what first was my car roof, and I get out.

I look around to try to figure out what happened, and I see another car, it ran into a hydrant, but it's not destroyed like mine.

I start running, while some people get close.

"Someone call 911!"

I scream, and then I try to open the door..but it doesn't open and I don't have enough strength because my arm is now totally useless.

There's a woman in the car, and she's unconscious.
I take a metal piece of the car from the ground and I break the back window glass.

Without thinking about it, I come in the car and I see that the woman is pregnant and her nose is probably broken, she's bleeding a lot, even from her forehead.

I take off my shirt, yelling for the pain because of my shoulder, and I dab her face with it.

With that contact, she wakes up, and she's scared because she doesn't understand what happened.
I ask her name and I try to calm her down.

"I'm Athena...but is my baby okay??"

She asks me.

"First of all, Athena, you have a beautiful name, and second, I am a firefighter, and my colleagues will be arriving soon, so don't worry, okay? They'll do everything they can for you and your baby."

She seems to calm down but then faints again...
I step into the front seat, next to her, keeping to ease her wounds when I hear a siren in the distance, finally...

My colleagues arrive, they are from station 17.
When they see me, they recognizes me..even if I'm wearing only my bra.

"Captain Bishop...What happened?? Are you okay??"

"I don't know what happened, but I'm fine, think of her, she's pregnant and she slammed her face on the wheel during the crash."

In a short time they open the door and I step aside to let them work...

The tension starts to drop and the shoulder pain is getting stronger...I look at my car, destroyed, and involuntarily think about Carina.
My phone is still in the car...probably broken.

"Can you guys give me a ride to the hospital? My shoulder hurts but there's no need to call another ambulance.."

I ask them, while they put Athena in the ambulance.

"Sure captain, you can get in the front seat."

I do what they told me and we arrive to the hospital.


I've received a call for a pregnant woman who was involved in a car accident, I'm out of the hospital waiting for the ambulance, but when they arrive I see Maya getting out with a cut on her forehead and a painful face...

"What the fuck happened Maya??"

"Your patient and I had an accident on the way to work, but I'm fine, I didn't want to call another ambulance...
But my phone was left in my car and I couldn't warn you..
Now go, think of her, I go to get checked my arm."

"You also need stitches on your forehead...and a t-shirt"

She touches her forehead, confused because she didn't realize she had that wound..

"I will do it"

After I leave her a kiss full of worry, I go to do my job.
Although the only thing I'd like to do is stay close to my girlfriend...


I walk into the hospital and I see Teddy, she immediately comes to me with a worried expression.

"Maya, what happened to you??"

"I had an accident, I think my shoulder is fractured..."

"Let me examine you, come here!"

She makes me sit on a bed.
The pain is now increased...

I look at my shoulder and I see the mark of the seat belt.

Teddy lifts me up and I hold a scream of pain.

"It just looks like it's out of his location, so I'll get you an X-ray right away, and if it's like I think and nothing's broken, then we'll have to put it back and it might be a little painful...
But I'll get you some painkillers right away.
And then we'll also have to stitch up your forehead... in the meantime wear this."

She says giving me a patient's gown.

"All right, thank you Teddy...
And listen, I don't have my phone anymore and Carina's taking care of the woman that was in the other car, but we met out here and she was very worried...could you please tell her that I'm really okay and that she don't have to worry?"

"Of course, I'll do it now, if you want to warn your team after the X-Ray, that you're not going to work today you can call from that phone."

"Perfect, thank you so much!"

Hello guys,
First of all, I want to apologize to you for my disappear.
It's not a good time for me, but I'm trying to figure out how to make my life better.
I also want to thank you for keeping support me despite everything and for your patience.
I couldn't never imagine to be able to reach each of you like this and I couldn't be happier.
So thank you all.

One last thing, one of you asked me to not put the names' initials in direct speeches, because it's still easy to figure out who is speaking.
I tried to do it in this chapter, so what do you think? Do you agree with this little change?
Please let me know in the comments.
Love you all!

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