[11] What The Fuck?

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It's midnight, Maya drove me home after a perfect day, unfortunately, she couldn't stay here to sleep because she has to get up early tomorrow to go to work.

I'm lost in my thoughts about today when I hear knocking on the door.

Will it be her?
I don't think so, she should be home now!

I open the door and I freeze.

C-"Arizona? What are you doing here??"

A-"I just...I came to say hello...That's what friends do...Callie has a lot of friends, you know?"

She's not making sense and she smell of alcohol..

C-"Arizona are you drunk?"

A-"Maybe a little.."

What can I do now..?

Before I can think something she walks into the house and starts undressing.

C-"Arizona what the fuck are you doing? You can't!"

A-"It's too hot in here!"

Then she comes towards me and tries to kiss me.

C-"Arizona stop! I have a girlfriend!
Come with me!"

I tell her, after I hold her hand to take her to the bathroom.

Still wearing a bra and pants, I get her in the shower and open the water.

She slips on the floor and starts crying.

C-"Hey, you want tell me what happened with your ex? And where's Sofia?"

A-"Things were good between us at first...but then I discovered that she had friends, a looot of beautiful friends who wrote her, and...She doesn't want me Carina, she doesn't want me...Again..."

C-"And where is Sofia now?"

A-"She's with her favorite mom, of course."

C-"Okay, I need you to listen to me Arizona, I need you to get up, take off your pants and then dry off with this towel, you can do it for me?"

She nods her head and then I turn to leave her space while I hold the towel.

C-"Okay, now put this on"

I give her one of my pajamas and I start opening the couch to make it a bed.

When I finish with the bed, I go get an empty bucket, I put a garbage bag in it, and I say

C-"If you're gonna throw up, do it here please."

But I realize she's already asleep.

God, I'm exhausted...why does everything happen to me?

Desperate I decide to go to my bed and I fall asleep immediately, so tired.


Sullivan called me tonight and asked if we could switch shifts because he had problems.
So I don't have to work anymore this morning and I decided to go to Carina because she starts work at 12:00, to surprise her.

I'm standing at his door with a bag of croissants and hot coffee, I knock and I hear footsteps, then the door opens and I can't believe my eyes.

The doctor I met yesterday.
At Carina's house.
And she's wearing one of her pajamas.

M-"What the fuck?! Where's Carina?!"

I hear Carina's voice.

C-"Arizona who is it?"

I instinctively drop what I had in my hand and run to the car.

I thought she loved me, why did she do this to me?

I start crying.

Probably because that's what I did to her...


I wake up and when I walk into the living room for a cup of coffee, Arizona is waking up..

A-"What...what's going on? Carina?? What are you doing here??"

C-"Do you mean, at my house..?"

A-"Oh my God, this is your house! What am I doing here?"

C-"You really don't remember anything from last night, do you?"

A-"The last thing I remember is that I was at Jo's bar.. and I was drinking.."

C-"Okay...You got here around midnight, you were really drunk..."

A-"Holy shit, what did I say?
Did...did I do something I shouldn't have done?"

C-"Well...let's say you tried, but nothing happened, I put you in the shower, you wore one of my pajamas and then you collapsed on my couch"

A-"Oh my God, Carina....I'm so sorry..."

C-"Don't worry, what happened with Callie?"

A-"I'm so stupid, I thought that going to her, everything would go back to the way it was before. But it didn't."

C-"Listen to me, I'm gonna take a shower and then we're gonna go get something at the bar. Okay?"

A-"Okay, thank you so much Carina, for all this..."

I just got out of the shower, and I'm drying my hair when I hear knocking on the door.
I put the towel around my body to go open, but I hear that Arizona has already opened.

C-"Arizona? Who is it?"

I'll tell her, on the way to the door.

She runs to me and tells me
"Carina! I'm so sorry!
She didn't let me explain, she ran away!"

C-"What?? Who? Was Maya???"

She nods.

Without thinking about it I run out with just the towel on..
She's already got in the car and she's crying...
I knock on the car window.

C-"Maya please! It's not what it looks like! Wait!!"

She looks at me and crying tells me

M-"It's okay, Carina...I deserve it.."

She turns on the car and goes away.

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