[2] It Hurts

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The days passed and Carina had not yet found the courage to go out...stayed all day in bed eating icecream and crying.

She kept asking herself..
"If I hadn't insisted on talking about Maya's father, maybe all this wouldn't have happened?"
"Why did she do this to me? I was there for her.."

She had received several calls from work, but she ignored them all.


Maya was in her office when someone knocked on the door.
Ben walked into the office.

B-"Hi Captain, I'm sorry to bug, but...I was in the hospital, and Miranda told me that was worried for her obstetric, De Luca.."

M-"What happened to Carina??"

B-"I..I don't know, Miranda told me that she asks her for a few days off, but now she hasn't answered her phone for three days..I was hoping you knew something."

M-"I haven't seen Carina in a week Ben, I... I...."

She got up and ran out telling Andy:

M-"I gotta go, leave you in charge"

Maya got in the car, tried to call Carina, but nothing... and without realizing it, was under Carina's house.

She park, turn off the engine and gets out of the car. When she was in front of the door of Carina's house she freezes.

If something happened to her, she'd never forgive herself.

Maya takes courage and knocks on the door.

She was going crazy waiting, the seconds looked like hours.
But after a little while she heard footsteps, and the door opened.

She was right there, beautiful as ever, but with swollen eyes, and a tub of icecream in her hand.

Maya opened her mouth to say something but Carina slammed the door in her face.

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