[15] Don't Worry, Be Happy.

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I get out of the car and say to Maya

C-"Hey love, can you help me carry these things?"

M-"Sure, but what are we doing here?
Should I have brought my swimsuit?"

C-"Don't worry, I took care of it."

I say giving her a kiss

C-"You only think of being happy"

M-"I already am, baby!"

She helps me get everything and I take her to the boat.


We arrive in front of this beautiful boat, she leaves on the ground what she was carrying and tells me

C-"Here we go! We've arrived"

M-"What? Really??"

C-"Really, til tomorrow afternoon it's all ours!"

M-"Oh my God.... Carina I love boats! How did you know?"

C-"I didn't, I just really like them too!
Come on, let's go up!"

This boat is really beautiful...

C-"So, here we have a sink and a small cooker...here's the bathroom.."

Carina starts to list.

C-"If you press here comes out a small table where we can eat..."

Actually, my eyes have been staring at her ever since she said 'So'..

C-"And here..."

Opens a small door

"Here is the bed..."

She says, looking at me with a really hot smile.

Then she gets behind the wheel.

C-"So, are you ready?
Come here in front of me, you'll have to help me, look...turning this key the boat lights up"

And she gives me a kiss on the neck.

C-"Next, put your hand on this lever..."

One more on my shoulder..

C-"And you slowly push it..."

She says pushing his body on mine while biting my ear gently.

But suddenly she goes away.

C-"Okay, now that you know what to do, stay there, I'll let you know when."

M-"What?? Wait!"

She obviously doesn't listen to me.
She drops something on the side of the boat that looks like pillows, and then tells me

C-"Are you ready? I untie the rope, turn on!"

I take a deep breath and I do what she said.

C-"Okay now very slowly, push the lever!"

The boat starts to move, and I'm so excited.

She stands behind me again, with her hands on mine, one on the wheel and the other on the lever.

We go faster and faster, and the port behind us is even further.

When we're open sea, she turns off the engine and tells me

C-"Now press this button"

I hear a sort of clanging.

You Deserve To Be Happy.Where stories live. Discover now