[10] That Song.

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On the road Maya keep putting his hand on my thigh, caressingly, approaching dangerously there.

Damn, with my eyes closed, the other senses are amplified...I feel her movements, her breathing..

I'm trying a mix of different emotions,
I'm mostly curious, but I'm also a little bit anxious because I don't know where she's gonna take me.

M-"Would you like to hear some music?"

It seems she read my mind, I really need it, music calms me down so easily..

C-"Of course! If you want, I have a USB stick with some songs, in my bag"

M-"And there's Italian music too?"

C-"Especially that"

M-"All right, can you get it without looking?"

C-"Yes, I think.."

I give it to her and after a while "Meraviglioso" notes, by Domenico Modugno fill the car.

C-"There should be a song called "La donna riccia" (The curly woman)
It's one of my favourite, can you find it for me, please?"


She tries to change song and after some attempts she find it and I start singing, happy and lighthearted.

When the song ends I stay to listen trying to figure out what the next one will be.
This is also by Domenico Modugno, called "Dio, come ti amo" (God, How I love you)

And I can't think of a better song right now.
C-"Hey Maya, Is there a place where we can stop for a minute?"

M-"Sure, but why? Is everything okay?"

C-"Yeah, I just want you to listen this song, could you restart it again, please?"

We stop and the song starts again.

《God, How I Love You..
In the sky, the clouds that
are going towards the sea, pass by.

They seem like white handkerchiefs
that greet our love.

God...how I love you!
It is not possible,
to have in my arms
so much happiness.

To kiss your lips
that smell of wind.
We two, in love
like nobody in the world...

God..how I love you!
It makes me cry.
In all my life
I have never felt
a love so dear,
a love so true.
Who can stop the river
that runs towards the sea,
the swallows in the sky
that are going towards the sun,
who can change the love,
my love for you?

God...how I love you!

A love so dear,
a love so true.
Who can stop the river
that runs towards the sea,
the swallows in the sky
that are going towards the sun,
who can change the love,
my love for you?

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