Unnatural Origin

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Never was I the girly type. 

While the girls I grew up with would shop according to social media influencers, I preferred yoga leggings, graphic t-shirts and my trusty Keens. 

Bouncing from foster home to foster home in my early years, my outward appearance was never a concern of mine. 

My love of comfortable athletic wear was cemented with the couple that made me apart of their nature loving family. Their love of outdoor adventures quickly influenced every aspect of my life.

My origin is hazy and beginning wasn't pretty. I know I was born in an Asian country, but the exact location was a mystery. I was initially in the custody of slime balls who were arrested and locked up for kidnapping. 

During the '90s a notorious human trafficking ring was finally shut down thanks to Interpol. These disgusting pieces of shit would kidnap newborns from the hospital just hours after birth.  Most of the victims were baby girls.

They took these brand new babies from a variety of countries, then sell them to scam adoption agencies or worse. Ugh, I don't want to even think about the life I avoided. 

 Authorities were able to take a good guess where us girls were taken from, but all the documents they had on us were all fake. 

The gang had the means and deep network of document forgery which allowed them to make untraceable new identities.  Since each of the victims were newborns without any documented identity yet, finding their true origin was an absolute mystery. 

Whatever country the found children were in, that's where they stayed. 

I was under the possession of the leader who lived in the states. So there I stayed. 

Due to my high profile "ownership", no one wanted to adopt me. Everyone was afraid he would find some way to get me back. So as a toddler, I was lost in the American foster care system.

This was a blessing and a curse. 

Blessing because whatever was left of his network could never find me.  While in foster care my name was changed multiple times, Jane being the name that stuck later on.

On the other hand, it was a curse because no one would take me. I was bounced from home to home and mainly lived in group homes until I was around 7-8 years old. 

Even though I was rather young, I would never forget the day that the Millers walked into group home. 

During the trial, a group of human rights lawyers brought the hammer down on the gang. One of those tenacious lawyers was Tyson Miller. A founding partner from a well known firm in San Francisco, he single handedly brought the gang to justice. 

One of my earliest memories in life was Tyson. During the long trial, he would come visit me along with the other children who were witnesses and "evidence" for the prosecution. 

I very quickly took a liking to him.  It was obvious the feeling was mutual.

On the final day of the trial, he came to visit me and promised we would meet again. Sure enough once everything from the trial blowed over, he and his wife Marie contacted the state and found me. It wasn't just a visit, they wanted to give me a fresh start on life.

I officially became Sienna Miller on my 8th birthday. Best birthday of my life.

Even though I was now the Miller's daughter, it was their mission to help me find my origins. 

The trafficking ring had mainly kidnapped newborns.  There were some other children taken but none past the age of 3.  Each child taken was from a variety of countries but predominantly were all of Asian descent.

There was no record of where each child was from. 

Marie was convinced I was Korean or Japanese based on my features. Working with international agencies, Tyson was tireless in spending time trying to find a break in my case. 

On my 14th birthday, I tearfully asked them to stop. Yes, I wanted to know my roots, but Tyson and Marie were my parents. After an emotional family meeting, Tyson agreed to pump the breaks on it.

He made sure to keep all my files secured and organized so the search could easily start back up whenever I was ready to do so.

Throughout my life, I always dreamt of two things: feeling at peace while running through the woods and a pair of soft golden eyes. Sometimes the eyes were human, other times they were almost canine. 

Marie was convinced it was my subconscious sending me a message. The pair of eyes could never be figured out.  Since all my dreams were focused on being at peace in the forest, my parents made sure that life surrounded by nature.

Living in Northern California, my parents were able to help feed that wild side by immersing me in the forest as much as possible. Every weekend was spent either paddle-boarding with Tyson or backpacking with Marie. 

For my 18th birthday, we hiked the Rim to Rim trail in the Grand Canyon. My ultimate goal was to hike the Alps, but with some of the gang still being on the lam, we agreed to keep me in the US until they could truly ensure me safety. 

It was hard as an adventurous teenage girl to be forced to stay in one country. Thankfully I lived in a country full of National Parks.  All those wild trails helped to keep me occupied.

To suppress my urges of adventuring abroad, I threw myself into my studies. 

Wanting to help others in the same way Tyson helped me, I decided to study law. High school and most of my college breaks were spent interning in his law firm. 

Following in both of their footsteps, I attended Berkley for undergrad but chose Stanford to attend law school. It was not an easy path but I made it work. By 23, I was on target to graduate from law school at the top of my class. 

The day I was set to graduate law school, my wonderful life came to a crashing halt.

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