Cuddle Puddle

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Leave it to Bangtan to make the phasing process as chaotic as possible.

Not only was each transition dramatic in its own way, it was all done unexpectedly in pairs.

Jeongguk and Tae phased back to back during their first day in the forest.  A few days later Hoseok's change was immediately followed by Jimin.  The very next morning, the girls woke up to two new wolves.

Namjoon and Seokjin.

"Seriously, you men have no fucking chill." Elle proclaimed at the sight of all different wolves sprawled all around the living room of the main house.

She rolled her eyes at the sound of her boyfriend laughing hysterically from the kitchen.

"Not joking though, why do they have to make this as dramatic as possible?  I am just barely coming to terms with Hobi and Chim phasing and now Namjin?"

"Oh chill Elle." Laughed Sienna who was underneath a pile of fur.

"Do you realize how ridiculous you look Nia?"

It was a sight.  The moment Sienna had sat down on the couch, she was engulfed by a pile of furry bodies.  

Five of the wolves were trying to cuddle with her in some form.  Jimin and Joon were at her feet half asleep while Jin and Jeongguk laid their heads in her lap.  Not wanting to be left out, Tae had found a way to lay at the top of the couch providing a perfect furry pillow for Sienna.

Ava walked in with Hobi attached to her side.  Sitting down on the adjacent loveseat, he immediately jumped up to cuddle into her lap the moment she sat down.  Wanting a lap to cuddle with Joon got up to take up the other spot.  Ava couldn't help but smile as she gently petted both wolves.

"Oh you're just jealous you don't have anyone to cuddle with." she teased

Elle just rolled her eyes while taking a seat in the giant recliner next to the television.

"You know, he's going to have to phase soon, otherwise it will be extended past the full moon.  That will mess with their comeback schedule." Sienna mentioned quietly while gently petting the wolves in her lap.

Elle sighed knowing her friend was right. "I know, I know.  Letting go is harder than I thought."

"You okay?" Ava mouthed knowing that this was a conversation that Elle wasn't too keen on having, especially with her boyfriend in earshot.

"I'm getting there." Elle responded as quiet as possible.

Without warning, Jimin got up from the floor and made his way to Elle.  He jumped into her lap.  Due to the large size of the recliner and his petite frame, he fit perfectly.  She couldn't help but smile at her new cuddle buddy.

"It's a good thing you're cute Chim." she said while stroking his soft fur being sure to also scratch behind his ears.  "You know, you almost look like a cat, they way you are all curled up."

Jimin huffed before lifting himself up to lick Elle's neck in retaliation.

She stopped before cussing the petite wolf out.  Instead a thought came to mind which caused her to smirk.  "I wonder how many delulu's out there would lose their shit if they knew I was just licked by Park Jimin?"

Ava and Sienna lost it.

"Who cares that I am married to the Maknae and that you two are in fully committed relationships with Suga and J-Hope of Bangtan." Sienna remarked. "Or even the fact that they are all now shapeshifters currently stuck in their wolf forms.  Out of all the things that could make the fans lose their shit, you're most curious about how they would react to Jimin licking you?  Elle, never change." 

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