Downward Spiral

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Yoongi recognized the signs. He understood exactly what was going on. This was not a fear of the boys, but a full blown panic attack.

Sienna woke up first and shocked everyone when she shot up with a look of sheer terror on her face. Mumbling incoherently, it was clear she was scared out of her wits. Whatever happened while she was passed out was enough to spook her.

Within moments, Jeongguk was awake and standing. He tried approaching her slowly, but she fearfully walked backwards trying to keep distance between the two of them. It was obvious she wanted nothing to do with him. From there she began to spiral, and fast.

Jeongguk felt completely helpless. He finally had discovered the sweet soul that had comforted him every night for the past five years only to be greeted by panic and terror. Had he done something wrong? Was it his eyes? Did he do something terrible to her on her end of their private reality?

Unfortunately, Yoongi knew what was happening because he had fallen victim to them before. Suffering from panic attacks on the regular at the start of their career, he could easily identify when someone was going through the same downward spiral. His were triggered whenever he felt like he was loosing control of his life. This was an all too common occurrence at the start of their idol careers when their group was constantly belittled and harassed by KMedia and antis. Through the help of his therapist and six brothers, he was able to overcome and apply relevant coping strategies.

He did not know Sienna Miller, only knew of her. But witnessing her go through the same downward spiral he was too familiar with, something was awakened deep down inside of him. All of the sudden her safety and well-being became his number one priority. A protective side that hardly came out except in extreme circumstances. This only came out when protecting his Bangtan brothers. He had just met Sienna today but now felt just as responsible for her as he did the rest of Bangtan. His heart told him that she was family and needed all seven of them from here on out.

At the same time, that deep protective instinct was also awakened within the eldest member of Bangtan. The moment Seokjin saw the fear and panic in Sienna's eyes his heart broke. Seeing her in pain was excruciating for him. Just like Yoongi, he felt sudden urge to keep Sienna close and protect her at all costs. Unlike the savage yet sweet rapper, Jin felt like he was sharing her pain. The emotions showed on her face and her body language were felt deep inside his heart.

In the moment that the newly bonded couple awoke, things changed for Bangtan. Not only did a protective side awaken within the two eldest hyungs, the rest of Bangtan felt instantly connected to her. A wave of familiarity washed over all of them. Even though they just met, it was like she had always been apart of their little family.

Sienna felt it too, but it scared her shitless. Outside of her two best friends, she refused to truly let anyone else in her life. Elle and Ava kept her grounded. Their unconditional love and support helped her to overcome the trauma from the accident and her parents murder. Thanks to their vigilance, she was able to rise above her chronic panic attacks and become an extremely successful lawyer. She was stronger because of them. However she became very closed off to developing relationships outside of professional ones.

After loosing her adopted parents, she was afraid of loosing her loved ones again. Subconsciously she developed this defense mechanism to protect her heart from yet another loss. She was torn from her family as an infant and then her adoptive parents were murdered. It felt bad luck followed her and became fearful of once again someone dying just from association with her.

To protect her girls, Sienna forced them to regularly take self-defense classes and always gifted them with protection gifts. Mace, personal beacon, etc. Even going as far as never being photographed or seen in public with them. She was doing to do everything in her power to keep her two best friends safe at all costs.

What scared her the most was falling in love. The two humans she loved the most were taken away from her by the worst scum on the earth. Why? Because some small dick asshole was on a vendetta. Since the boss' son was still on the lookout for her, relationships scared the hell out of her. Sienna's anxiety made her superstitious, becoming afraid that the moment she fell in love, the asshole would find her and cause them harm. She doesn't know if she could handle that again.

Sienna had still dated, hell she had needs. Not wanting to ever die a virgin, she gave herself to her college boyfriend and had a friend with benefits for a few years but ended it over a year ago when that person actually wanted a relationship. That was it. She tried going on dates but never once felt a spark. Thankfully, her job made a really good excuse to never pursue anything past two dates. Most men were either intimidated or wanted to "tame her". After the last chauvinistic pig 18 months ago, she gave up on dating. Besides, every night in her dreams she had a pack of wolves to keep her company.

Now her beloved silver wolf had been revealed and was standing in front of her. Instead of running into Jeongguk's arms she was paralyzed with fear. With her flight of fight kicking in she tried running for the door but collapsed on the ground and began hyperventilating.

This couldn't be happening. He can't be it. No. All of her fears flooded her at once. Her fear of falling in love because of her fear of loosing them monopolized her thoughts.

"No... please no. They'll kill you"

That was all she could get out before hysterical sobs took over.

"Get her manager. Take JK somewhere else, he's obviously triggering her". Yoongi barked out orders while taking control of the situation.

Hoseok and Jimin left to find Alanna while Joon and Tae grabbed Jeongguk just as he launched himself towards his frightened soulmate.

"NO! I finally found her, please Hyung. NO!"

Thanks to all his weight training the past year Namjoon was able to withstand JK's strength, but just barely. With Tae's help, they were able to subdue the desperate Maknae and move him into the adjoining bathroom. They wanted to prevent any bystanders from witnessing this emotional outburst but needed to remove him ASAP. So the men's room it was.

At the same time, Seokjin got down on the floor and wrapped Sienna into a full body hug. She did not resist but instead sank into his embrace. No one could explain what had happened other than a new bond between her and Jin had formed. He felt safe, like home. Whispering calm words into her ear, he continued to hold her right was gently rubbing her back.

This connection was felt on both sides. By no means a romantic one, but more of a deep familial bond. Seokjin had always felt an unexplained emptiness since as far as he could remember. During his childhood, he felt it the most. With Sienna now wrapped tightly in his arms, he finally felt whole.

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