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Yoongi pulled Elle tightly into his embrace. Kissing her softly, yet passionately, his hand went from her neck up to her hair to bring her closer.  Ending the kiss, he knew it was time to shift and he was ready to do so.

There was something he needed to do first.

"Moon Goddess, may I have some time with my girl before I phase?"

The rapper looked up at the ethereal being so softly smiled at nodded at him.

"I'd like a few moments to mark you mine before I phase.  Call me selfish, but I'd like the ability for us to mind link.  You okay with that Elle?"

"So, you want to bite me before you get all New Moon on us?"

Yoongi raised his eyebrow confused as hell.

"It was a book about werewolves and vampires, Yoongi.  They were made into movies." Sienna clued in the confused rapper.

"Oh, those stupid movies you made me watch?"

"Made this ass watch the entire series this past week." Elle proclaimed with an evil grin.

"Jokes on her, I slept through most of it." he said smugly.

"Well guess who is going to be forced through a Twilight marathon again if he ever wants these tits again?"

Yoongi glared before whispering huskily in her ear, "My queen, I'd be careful with your threats.  I promise to return it back ten-fold when this phasing shit is all over.  That ass is mine."  He growled while grabbing one of her ass cheeks in his hand.

"Counting on it." She whispered back before kissing him on the cheek.

You two are free to return to your world.  Your wolf will be able to hold off until you finish marking her, but after that the phase...

"Showtime, I understand." he nodded before walking over to the large wolf resting nearby.

Yoongi reached over and placed his hand on the soft bluish-gray fur of the wolf.  He gently began to stroke the top of the majestic creature's head.

"I'm sorry that I put you through all that shit.  Once I mark Elle as our mate, I want you to take the reigns.  You'll love her, but she'll keep you on your toes."

The wolf opened its eyes, and leaned into Yoongi's touch.

"Again, I'm sorry.  You did nothing wrong... I ... just..."

"He wasn't ready to give up on me yet.  I'm a catch." Elle interjected while sitting down.

She smiled while reaching out her hand gently towards the wolf hoping to make a connection.  While waiting for the creature to respond she was not expecting the greeting she received.

The wolf jumped into her lap and began to happily lick her face.

"I'm his favorite, take that Yoongi."

Seeing his wolf and girlfriend bond so quickly, Yoongi's heart was finally ready for this new journey.

"Elle?  You ready?  I promise you'll see him soon."

After placing a soft kiss on the wolf's snout, Elle stood up with the help of her soulmate.

They looked at each other before looking at everyone else.  Yoongi nodded at Jeongguk and Jin while Elle winked at Sienna.

In a blink of an eye, the couple and wolf disappeared into thin air.

"So, um, it looks like my help isn't needed?" said Sienna frankly.

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