Truth {un}Told

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Jeongguk wanted out.

Namjoon wouldn't budge from the door.

Taehyung was too focused on his Wooga squad group chat to care.

Just another day in the Bangtan world. Yes, even being locked in the bathroom together. It's seven guys in their twenties. What do you expect?

It was obvious Jeongguk needed to be removed from the practice room. Yoongi took the lead and Joon used all his strength and willpower to get the stubborn maknae out of the room. When JK was on a mission, it was next to impossible to stop. Thankfully Tae assisted to wrangling the youngest and barricading the three of them in there. Not wanting to bring attention to their sensitive situation, it was best to use the bathroom attached to the practice room.

Joon felt like a zookeepeer. However he was more frustrated with Taehyung who was focusing on his phone instead of helping to subdue the restless maknae.

Sometimes when he got really frustrated at his members he would mutter things under his breath in English. Being the only fluent English speaker, no one would ever be the wiser.

Jeongguk was not giving up trying to bust out and Joon was reaching his physical limit.

"Tae, help please?"

His eyes not leaving the phone, Tae got up and sat his ass down blocking Jeongguk from leaving the bathroom.

Thankful for the help but annoyed at the lack initiative, Joon was over it. "Thanks for the help, asshole." He muttered.

Unfortunately for Joon, he was no longer the only fluent speaker in Bangtan.

"Hyung?" Jeongguk looked at his leader quizzically, "Why are you thanking Tae then calling him an asshole?"

The tiny room fell silent. Tae knew that Joon was probably insulting him in English, but he could care less about that. What stopped him in his tracks was the fact that Jeongguk knew exactly what was said to him. Typically, Tae would laugh at that sort of insult, but knowing that his youngest member could all the sudden understand English... that was unexpected.

It was well known that Jeongguk was actively learning English, but he was still very limited. Joon worked with him enough that he felt safe muttering random English phrases without anyone knowing. This... this was new. Yes, JK's English skills were progressing, but this was not that.

Joon had a theory and decided to test it.

"With everything that happened it's obvious you and Sienna are soulmates, but she is fighting it. It caused her to spiral and have a panic attack. This why you are here in the bathroom with Tae and I. I promise, once she has calmed down we will go back out to her. I will talk to Seijin-Hyung about rescheduling the meeting for tomorrow. Is that okay?"

Tae gasped when Jeongguk responded in perfect English, "I understand hyung. Seeing her in pain. I hate it. My entire self is being pulled to her. It's taking all my energy not to pull her into my arms and hide her away from the world in my arms. I just want to hide under the sheets with her until she can find peace once again."


Tae dropped his phone. Joon gasped. Jeongguk did understand what happened yet.

"Jeongguk-ah. You were speaking in fluent English." His leader hyung said to him.

A little Jungshook from this revelation, all three of them fell onto the floor.

"How hyung? How am I fully fluent in a language I have struggled to learn for years."

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