Settling In

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In the early morning hours our caravan arrived at the forest home.  It was still pitch black with the sun not yet ready to make an appearance.

"Nia, my love.  We're here."  A gentle hand caressed my thigh.  The sensation jolted me awake.

"Shit, did I sleep the entire way? Kook, you promised to keep me up."  

I gently smacked his leg while I slowly regained consciousness.  He smiled at my outburst.

My fake outrage did not last long as I quickly got lost in his eyes.  Staring into his now permanently golden gaze had quickly become one of my favorite pastimes.

When the color first changed earlier in the spring, Jeongguk quickly learned that the color of his eyes indicated his mood.  Eventually he gained control of the change up until earlier this week when the transition officially began.  Now they were golden all the time.   Up until we left for the forest, he was forced to wear colored contacts for any last minute taping or photo shoot this past week.

"My darling wife," His warm smile about melted me into a puddle, "you don't think I've noticed how hard this nocturnal transition has been on you.  Getting rest was more important than entertaining me.  Besides, it gave me time to process things."

Bending over the console, he softly pecked my lips. 

I smiled hearing the word 'wife' come out of his mouth, it was absolutely surreal yet natural.  However I was caught off guard about his comment about needing time to think.

"Everything okay?"

"It's perfect Jaigya.  I've just been needing time to process and come to terms with everything that's happened in such a short amount of time.  Amazing and beautiful things." 

He grabbed my left hand to kiss my newest addition, the gorgeous wedding band that perfectly matched my engagement ring. 

"I'm just nervous to phase for the first time.  It's this whole staying in wolf form for an extended period that is freaking me out.  I feel like I'm abandoning you."

The fear and remorse was evident in his eyes.  It was a huge reason why Jeongguk didn't merely propose but ask to get married as soon as possible.  

By being legally married, he was able to protect me more.  Uncle Paul mentioned to Jeongguk while I was stuck in America that the best way he could look after me outside of my move to Korea was to get married.  Spouses had a larger umbrella of protection.

Wanting to ease his nerves, I cupped his left cheek in my hand and gently stroked his jawbone.

"In no ways are you abandoning me Jeon Jeongguk.  I'll just get a furry companion.  My wolfbunny."  My remarks helped to ease the tension radiating off of him.  

He flashed the smile behind his new nickname.  His signature bunny smile with canines that were more prominent than normal.  Not fully changed but noticeably different.  

I noticed it in the other members, especially Taehyung.  That particular shit had been using it as an excuse to gnaw on my arm at random times.  In fact he wasn't the only one enjoying this new enhancement. 

Yoongi had noticed it made foreplay even more interesting while Hobi enjoyed that love bites his left on Ava's neck and thighs were more prominent.  

In short, it made all the bedroom activities more interesting and thrilling.

While looking back into Jeongguk eyes, I  gave him the comforting gaze that had been his lifeline recently.  A simple look that almost instantly calmed any anxiety and eased any frustrations.

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