Double Trouble

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"Holy shit, Taehyung?"

The realization hit Sienna like a ton of bricks.

"Did my panic..."

Jimin grabbed her hand while Jeongguk whined.  His front legs were now propped up on the bed next to her as he could sense guilt washing over his mate.

"Oh Nia. No.  A few nights ago Tae shared with the group during our family meeting that he was afraid to watch everyone phase.  JK and Tae have a special bond, with Tae being the first person to break down his wall.  I truly believe it broke his heart to see Kookie in that immense pain.  To the point that subconsciously he didn't want him to go through this alone anymore.  We all think that triggered his phase."

I looked at the wolves sitting on the floor with their pathetic soft eyes before looking back at Jimin as he continued.

"Tae left during Kookie's phase and went to our room.  Yoongi noticed the bathroom was messy with clothes everywhere.  We think he got sick to his stomach, stripped his clothes and noticed the early stages of phasing before moving outside.  When I approached him, he confessed his love for me before collapsing."

"Did he shift like JK?"

"Almost, but not quite.  You see right as this happened everyone was focused on you.  I screamed for Tae, Yoongi came running with Jeongguk right behind him."

In the moment, Jeongguk began to press into Sienna's leg with his snout while quietly whining.

"Do you want to get up here Kookie?" She turned to Jimin, " Would you be okay with that Jimin?"

"I'm fine with it, besides its your bed.  Can Tae...?"

Sienna laughed while nodding her head.  She knew full well that Taehyung would pitch an ever loving fit if he wasn't included.  She didn't want to imagine the chaos he would cause in wolf form.

The propped themselves up against the head of the bed and adjusted the blankets.  Right on cue, both wolves hopped on the bed and right into the laps of their partner.

SIenna smiled at the sight of the enormous wolves in each of their laps.  Jeongguk's head was in Sienna's lap with the rest of his body wrapped around her body. Tae, on the other hand, was sitting on Jimin's lap resting his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Ouch Tae, you're heavy." He adjusted his legs so Tae was now in between his legs instead of on top of his lap.  

Taehyung buried his head further into Jimin's shoulder letting out contended huffs.

"I was terrified of interacting with Jeongguk's alpha.  That's what spurred my panic attack." Sienna said quietly as she began to gently scratch behind her alpha's ears.  Letting out a contented huff of his own, Jeongguk snuggled even closer.

"You know how I go to the dreamscape forest after my attacks?"

Jimin nodded.

"Like clockwork, not only was I there but so was Jeongguk.  In human form."

Sienna proceeded to explain to Jimin everything that happened in the forest, keeping the explicit intimate details to herself.  However looking at Tae's wolfy expression something told her details might have been accidentally divulged through the mind-link.

Then it hit her.

"Was that you in the forest Tae?  Holy shit were you watching us?"

Tae hid his head from Sienna's fierce expression.  Wanting answers she grabbed his snout and looked him directly in the eyes.  She could have sworn she heard a laugh from her lap come out of Jeongguk.

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