Worth the Wait

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"Pop my fucking cherry already"

"My pleasure baby girl."

It did not take more than a few seconds for Hoseok to rid himself from all his clothing except for his boxers.  With his current state of arousal, typically he would just dive right in.  With this being Ava's first experience, he did not want to risk hurting her.  The boxers acted like a force field holding him back until he could fully prep her.

Crawling on top of her slightly trembling body, Hoseok kissed her gently on the lips.

"Doll, I am at your pace.  Please tell me if this is too.."

"Jung Hosoek, stop right there.  Am I nervous? Yes. Do I want you to stop? God no."

He went back to her lips for another kiss.  As their lips touched, she pulled him down directly onto her own body.  Growling at this contact, he began to grind into her eliciting a moan that made Hoseok almost cum right then and there.

Knowing he might not last long, but trying to make this first time special, his hand went down to the bottom of his night gown.  Not realizing his own strength, he ripped it right off her body.

Interesting.  That was new.

Not letting himself dwell, he looked down at Ava's practically naked body.  Her soft skin and curves made his heart race with excitement.  

"Please Hobi."

"What do you want baby girl?  This?"

He began to trail kisses from her clavicle slowly exploring every inch of her torso until he reached her navel.  She let out a shiver when he ghosted over his sternum purposefully avoiding her chest taking note that this was absolutely an erogenous zone for her.  Gently licking, kissing, and sucking he continued down to her pelvis stopping right at her panty line.

Her hips began to buck and slowly began grinding into his mouth as he gently kissed her aroused yet still clothed core.  Smiling, Hoseok couldn't contain how much she was falling apart even while she still had her panties on.  Her luxurious white lace panties that were about to disintegrate.

Feeling brave, he gently grabbed the lace with his teeth with the intention of pulling it off.

He ripped that as well.

Hoseok knew that he could get aggressive during sex, but not once had he ruined clothing.  Ever.

A gnawing thought in the back of his mind made him realize this was possibly connected to the new abilities he would start gaining any day.  That was quickly thrown out of his consciousness as he was surprised by the completely bare state of his soulmate's naked body.

"Ava," he whispered huskily.  "What am I going to do with you, now this is a treat".

He smirked as began to kiss her inner thighs starting at her knees slowly making his way towards fully aroused core.

"This trip has been a lot of firsts for me," she panted, "first trip to Asia."

Hoseok had approached her womanhood but choose to kiss around it as she spoke, teasing her even further.

"First true kiss, first time seeing a man naked..."

"I can't tell you how much that moment about did me in baby girl.  For the record, you are welcome to join me in the shower at any time."

She smiled but continued quietly, "my first Brazilian, first relationship, and now this."

Right on cue, his finger began to gently circle her clit eliciting the neediest moan from Ava yet.

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