The Time Has Come

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"Nia, it's time."

Hot tears streamed down Sienna's face as she slowly came to terms with Namjoon's words.

Seeing her husband curled up in the fetal position was tearing Sienna's heart to shreds.  On top of that, their soulmate bond was allowing her to feel the excruciating physical pain that he was currently experiencing.

A soft touch broke her from the heartbroken trance she was under.  Looking up was Seokjin's soft comforting smile.

He is going to be okay Nia.  Jeongguk is one of the strongest and toughest individuals I know.

Jinnie, I can't bear to see and feel him in this much pain.

Seokjin held on to Sienna's hand.  A small shockwave  was sent through both of them the moment their skin touched.

Nia's expression turned to one of confusion while Jin quickly tried to divert her attention away from what just happened.

He knew precisely why their bodies reacted to each other in such way.  Yet it was not time to reveal to her why.

"I know you are nervous, but it's crazy what is about to occur.  I feel that buzz of excitement, it's rather electric.  Can you feel that current radiate off of Kookie?"

Sienna's expression was proof that she bought Jin's diversion.

"I do feel it Jinnie.  I hate seeing and feeling him in that much pain but all the sudden I can't help but feel at peace with a rush of excitement.  It's odd to have such a quick turn of emotion."

Seokjin nodded while smiling internally.  It wasn't JK's energy that suddenly changed her mood,

It was their unique bond.

Thanks to the energy and power emanating off the maknae due to being on the cusp of phasing, Jin and Nia's bond was deepening as it evolved.

This was meant to happen and was crucial for the successful transition of the entire pack.  Jin just prayed that SIenna would not put two and two together until after the moon cycle was complete and they were all safely back in Seoul.

Sienna had to stay in the dark for the time being, it was paramount.  The Moon Goddess had a plan and Jin was determined to follow it.

This exchange between Jin and Sienna was suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

They were stunned to see Jeongguk sitting up in bed staring directly at them.

"Anything you want to share with the class?" he deadpanned.

The soon to be alpha's golden eyes were now shimmering.  His gaze pierced straight into Sienna's soul.

If it wasn't for Namjoon and Jin's presence she would have jumped her husband right there.

"H-how...wh-what's...Koo...?"  Sienna stammered.

She stumbled over her words while witnessing JK's complete shift in emotions.  He had regulated his breathing and regained complete composure.

"I met my wolf.  It's finally his time to take over."

All she could do was nod in response.

"It's not going to be pretty, but I promise that everything is going to be okay."

Jeongguk's hand began to gently caress his wife's cheek.  He wanted to soak in this sensation since it would be awhile before it could happen again.  The feeling of her soft skin was one of his favorite sensations in the entire world.  All he wanted to do was bask in this feeling forever.

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