Ready ... Set... Stun

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Being open and honest about getting the birth control implant before leaving the states to her friends gave Ava the confidence boost she was so desperately needing.  At Elle and Sienna's urging, she decided that the night Hoseok returned, she would fully give herself to him.  She was ready.  It was time.

Now she needed to plan the perfect night.

Right before he left, Hoseok gave Ava her own key to his personal apartment along with all the security passcodes.  Even though she was staying at Jin's place, he encouraged her to hang out there any time she wanted and even going as for as inviting her to stay whenever she felt like it. 

To ensure privacy their first night together intimately, his apartment was the best option.  She wouldn't have to feel guilty for defiling Jin's place especially since it was already christened by Yoongi and Elle.  The dorms were out of equation since he shared a room with Jimin.  Getting a hotel crossed her mind, but deep down she felt it would mean more at his own place.  The apartment that she secretly hoped would someday become their shared home.

Hoseok also hoped to make the apartment his home with Ava.  However, they still had some growing to do together before he could even consider asking her to relocate to Korea.

Of all the soulmate bonds his and Ava's was the least established.  They didn't have much background unlike the other two couples.  Even Elle and Yoongi built up a bit of their relationship through their constant flirting over FaceTime while Sienna was still in America.  

Up until Ava arrived in Korea, her only interactions with Hoseok were through the group video calls.  Even though they never had alone time together, she captured his attention right away.  It  was surprising that no one caught on.  Just through the digital interactions, he slowly began to fall for her.  

The same could also be said for Ava.  

J-Hope was already her bias wrecker.  Even though Jin had been her bias, she was constantly wrecked and ruined by the human embodiment of sunshine.  But the moment they started interacting digitally, she felt something stir deep down.  A feeling that had never once been felt with any of the guys she went on dates with in the past.

It finally all made sense to her when she arrived in Korea.  From the moment they landed she felt something tugging at her.  It was reminiscent of what Sienna had recounted the day she met Jeongguk in person.

That fateful day, Jin had texted her and Elle that they would be escorted to the dorm by Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin.  

As an ARMY, she couldn't help but squeal at the thought of finally meeting Bangtan in the flesh, let alone go to their dorms.  

As a sexually deprived female, her heart lept at the thought of meeting Jung Hoseok in person.  Having very quickly developed a crush on that gorgeous man, she anxiously awaited finally meeting him face to face.

The moment all three members walked into the apartment, she felt that tugging again with the pull even stronger than the night before.  The moment she locked eyes with Hoseok, the rest of the world faded away.  It was evident on his face that he felt exactly the same.  Distracted by each other, they didn't noticed that Yoongi and Elle dropping to the floor after hugging.

"I can't tell you how nice it is to finally meet you in person."

"Trust me, the pleasure is all mine Ava."

Holding out his hand, she wasted no time reaching hers out in response.  The moment their skin touched everything went black.

She awoke in a forest and screamed when she saw two large wolves standing next to her and Elle.  Too freaked out to comprehend what was happening, she threw herself into Elle's arms.  Elle angrily cursed at the wolves using every fowl word under the sun.  

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