Cherry Poppin' Daddy

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Life of a global K-Pop idol might seem glamorous on the outside, but it comes with many sacrifices.  

Hoseok knows this all too well.  

Mind you, he wouldn't trade it for the world, but there had been more downsides than he could have ever expected.  Most of those had to do with his family's privacy and safety, but most of all his own private life. 

Specifically dating.

After dating a girl in high school who broke his heart by leaving him for another, Hoseok was extremely nervous to begin a relationship.

If anything, it did a number to his self-esteem.

Even after becoming a global idol, he never thought he was good enough.  He gave himself, his entire being, to that girl.  She was his first love.  Yet she broke his tender golden heart in two.

After they began to explode in popularity, he saw her at an event.  Seeing her fawn over him made him feel good for a second.  Couldn't help but thinking, "You could have had this."  Even though the situation could have been something to gloat over, it did nothing but anger him.  Why does his idol persona get the attention?  Why can't someone just love him as Hoseok?  Love him for who he truly is.

Yes, over the years he had a few encounters both dates and just pure sex.  He might come off as a ray of sunshine, but he was still a human with needs.

With his group's global popularity, every date had to have some sort of non-disclosure and done over a veil of secrecy.  This made the process loose it's appeal.  The worst part, is how many people he encountered were just clout chasers.  They wanted his fame, not him.

On stage and interviews J-Hope was the human embodiment of sunshine and a talented dancer/rapper.  In all reality, Jung Hoseok was just a man who wanted someone to share his life's journey with.  Someone that loved him for who HE was, not his idol persona.  A partner that he could share life's up and downs with, connect on all levels, and even start a family with down the road.

This was next to impossible as the world's most popular musical group.

So Hobi would put all that love and energy into his members.  He was still missing a piece of his soul, but by sharing a room with Jimin and helping out all his brothers with anything they might need helped give him a purpose.

He is forever grateful to Jeongguk's crush on Sienna.  After the maknae fell head over heels in love with the human rights lawyer at the 2018 UNGA, the band began following her career from a distance.  When the timing was right, they all agreed to request a partnership with her.  She perfectly matched their mission and ideals, but deep down they just wanted to give JK a chance with the girl he was crushing on.

That simple crush of his youngest member lead Hoseok straight to the person he had been searching for.  The one person in life he soul ached for.  

His soulmate.  

His Ava.

When their initial bond sent them to the dreamscape forest, he was scared out of his goddamn mind.  Not only did he have no idea what happened, but he was now a wolf.  What calmed him was Yoongi next to him in wolf form as well and the sight of Ava.

She initially was just as frightened as he was until she saw the wolf forms of Sienna and Jeongguk.  Visibly relaxing she turned to look at Hoseok and all their fears washed away.

Even though their bond was no where near that of Jeongguk and Sienna or even Yoongi and Elle, but that didn't stop Hoseok from wanting to spend every waking minute next to her.

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