Wait For It

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He waited long enough.  

The moment Sienna gave her consent Jeongguk's resolve quickly faded away.  Thankfully, he was able to hold on for a little longer since the amount of energy he put into their concert had left him desperate for sustenance.  Besides, he also had a long but anticipated night in front of him and needed to refuel.

Post concert dinners were always a joyous experience as it allowed the members and their management staff time to celebrate all their hard work coming to fruition.  Grilled meat, soju, and tired laughter always helped to cap off the end of a successful concert. 

In the past, more staff would be invited to these meals like this but with the addition of the girls,  it was best to keep the dinner more intimate.  Due to the pandemic, they couldn't have a large crowd anyway.  This allowed them to keep the identity of the girls private a little longer.  

Since Sienna and her friends arrived in Korea just 24 hours prior, Jin was the one who initially requested that they all went out together.  The Bangtan family had officially grown from 7 to 10.  This would be the first time their main management staff would meet Ava and Elle.  Ava was intimated by Bang PD, but not Elle.  In fact, she intimated him slightly.

"I couldn't think of anyone more perfect for our Yoongi." He whispered to Seijin who just shook his head in agreement.

As one could have expected, due to the exhaustion of the day's events and soju overflowing... chaos ensued. 

Yoongi was constantly pushing his limits with Elle, Jeongguk was teasing Jin mercilessly, Jimin was trying to make Ava blush, and Joon was his typical God of Destruction.   Seijin simply gave up trying to control the chaos.  He just elected to enjoy his well deserved beer in peace.

Right before Hoseok was about to lash out at Jimin for teasing his precious soulmate, Sienna could read the room knowing it was time for a diversion.

"So, this has been fun, but I'm ready to go settle in to and enjoy a couple days of quiet."

"Translation: Excuse me so I can go get freaky with my sexy soulmate for the next 48 hours."


"Jin it's okay, besides, he's got a point.  I have a pretty hot soulmate with a delicious body and nothing on our schedule for the next 60 hours."

Sienna had barely finished her comment when a tattoo hand grabbed and pulled her out the private dining room before she could register and wave goodbye.  All she heard were audible gasps and snickers from table.

Away from prying eyes in the empty hallway, Sienna was pressed up against the wall and attacked by Jeongguk's punishing lustful kisses.  Leaving no survivors, his tongue immediately sought and won dominance.  She was trapped not only inside his arms but with his legs on either side of her body.  Pushing his arousal up against her core, she immediately felt heat grow and quickly consume her entire body.

Returning the favor, Sienna deepened the kiss while grabbing fistfuls of his hair.  Jeongguk moaned into her mouth.  Breaking the kiss she began to attack the skin under his ear all the way down to his collarbone.  The sensation of her nipping and sucking this erogenous zone elicited a deep growl from the deepest depths of his chest causing Sienna to smirk.

Moving his lips to her ears he whispered in a deep husky tone, "You're fighting with fire Jaigya."

"Jeon Jeongguk," she whispered just loud enough for him to hear, "One thing you must learn about me.  I never start anything."

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