To dye for

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It was time to start making my way towards HYBE. Due to traffic I expected it would take 20-30 minutes to get there. Thankfully the company sent a driver for me. Upon getting a text notification the car arrived, Ava and I hung up our FaceTime call so I could make my way downstairs. Before walking out, I checked my appearance one last time.

My OOTD inspiration was a hybrid of my two personas. Wearing my favorite black "badass bitch" pantsuit, I decided against heels and put on my favorite custom teal converse. Instead of my intimidating slicked back pony tail, I kept my raven colored hair down in soft romantic curls that were swept to one side.

Screw those young TikTok influencers who drag the side part. Side part supremacy.

I finished my look off with the diamond jewelry set Tyson and Marie gave me five years ago. The small studs, diamond encrusted bracelet and simple teardrop pendant necklace were the final gifts I ever received from my adoptive parents. 

 While I was getting ready for my law school graduation ceremony, Marie quietly walked into my room with a large velvet box. With her 1000 watt smile that I still miss to this day, she insisted I was dripping in bling. I immediately burst into tears opening that box. She hugged and mentioned that this set would help me stand out and kick ass in the courtroom. 

Even though I was gifted them on one of the worst days of me life, the jewelry set became my good luck charm. I never lost a trial when I wore them. This was also my final connection to the two that gave me a second lease on life. By wearing these pieces, they were always close to my heart.

Satisfied with my professional yet soft appearance I made my way to the car. Walking out of the hotel foyer, I was greeted by Alana. She smiled while handing me an iced Americano.

"How did everything go ma'am?" I asked as she opened the car door for me.

"First off, enough with the damn formalities."

I smirked knowing she hated it.  But what can I say, I could be a shit sometimes.

She rolled her eyes while giving me the rundown.

"It was as good as security and briefings can go. I left the NDAs for you to sign in the back seat while we drive. When we arrive we will check in at the front desk, where we will turn in that paperwork. After everything is certified, you will get your badge and be all set for the meeting."


Smiling back at me, she held the door until I was fully inside. Alanna then made her way to the front passenger seat.

I always need time to mentally prepare myself before these types of meetings, especially when I would meet face to face for the first time.  Alanna and I have created the best routine over the past five years. She gets me an iced americano, leaves the documents I need to go over in the back and sits in the front. If we don't hire someone to drive she takes over that responsibility.  No matter the case, this allows her close proximity while giving me the space that I need.

Getting into my zone, I popped on my AirPods and turned on my BTS Spotify playlist. I wasn't ARMY, but their music had quickly become a go to when I was getting in the zone.

Ava, an ARMY herself, sat me down before I left to learn each of their names. I was shown MV's and interviews that would help me better understand their dynamic. She said they were "chaos incorporated" but held off on showing those interactions in order to keep it professional.

I took the time to know them as artists and humans. Very quickly I understood why their fandom not only adored them but why they were so protective of all seven members. It was no surprise that these guys were quickly becoming global legends.

The rappers of the group were hands down the best I have ever heard. From the word play, to their swag, and spitfire lyrics those three were powerful and the masters of their craft. The vocal line captured me as well. Jimin and V had a yin/yang relationship that was extremely complimentary. Jin's haunting voice had a sense of familiarity and home I hadn't felt in years. Then there was the maknae, Jungkook.

I didn't think it was possible to have a crush on someone you never met until I heard that man sing. His honey vocals soothes my soul to the very core. Most of all, he felt like a kindred spirit.

Jungkook owned the stage but was more reserved during interviews. All members had an on stage persona that was a projection of their individual personalities. However, the duality of JK (as they all called him) reminded me of the mask that I had to wear on a daily basis. I could connect to that. Deep down it made me wish I could establish a more personal relationship. I wished that I could reach out and proclaim 'WE SEE EACH OTHER'.

Unfortunately the business I had with them today was simply that, business. Hopefully the little touches such as my converse and letting my hair down would make me more approachable and down to earth. I needed to stay professional but wanted those seven phenomenal men to know that I was still approachable and most of all relatable.

Throwing myself into my paperwork while listening to music, I didn't notice the itching sensation on the top of my head initially until it started to spread. Subconsciously, I began to scratch the crown of my head. Dealing with dry scalp all the time, this sensation didn't phase me at first. Slowly the sensation started to travel until it took over my entire scalp. By now I was slightly concerned thinking the new climate was affecting me but Korea was rather humid. I turned on the selfie camera on my cellphone to figure out what was going on.


My sudden outburst didn't phase the driver but caused Alanna to turn around. She immediately gasped the moment she saw.

The roots of my hair were now stark white. A good inch or so. This wasn't me prematurely aging at a rapid pace. My hair was changing color right in front of my eyes. The color was slowly fading from my natural jet black to white. Within minutes my hair color was completely transformed. Now instead soft black curls resting on my shoulder, there were now soft white curls in its place. Purest white I had ever seen. Snowy white.


Just like the wolf in my dreams.

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