Between the Sheets

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Leaving the stage after the encore, all of Bangtan was on cloud nine.  Being outside performing in a festival like setting to thousands of online ARMY was an amazing feeling for the idol group. Even though their stamina was not like what it was before, they all felt energized from their performance and ready for day two of Sowoozoo. It was nothing like performing for a live audience, but they all loved this concert much more than MOTS ON:E.

In their defense, they were dealing with a lot more emotions at the time of that online concert.  All seven members were extremely exhausted from Dynamite promotions while prepping for BE, COVID had no end in sight, Yoongi was preparing for his surgery, and most of all they didn't know if Jin would have to enlist in December.

They accepted that they would all serve, but weren't ready to separate yet.  It didn't feel like it was their time.  They all cried tears of relief when the Blue House had called Bang PD about the BTS law pushing their service out a couple more years.

Something was missing from their life and none of the members were ready to leave for military service until they figured out what it was. Hoseok and Yoongi were convinced it was the elusive Grammy.  When they got word they were nominated, even if it was just for performance, they felt that this was it.  They would be complete. 

Unfortunately, they were all severely disappointed.

During the emotional roller coaster that day of the award ceremony, Joon was hyper aware of how much their Maknae was needing his girlfriend.  However, it wasn't just  their youngest member. All the members seemed to relax when Sienna's name was mentioned.  Except for her relationship with Jeongguk, she was the sister that fit so easily with their found family.

Was she the one that they were waiting for?  If so, how did Sienna fully fit into the Bangtan equation?  Was it just being Jeongguk's soulmate or did it go deeper than that?

Jeongguk stared at his phone and smiled like a fool.  During the concert, she had replied to one of his "miss you" texts with a simple purple heart.  He knew this meant she was either done with her stakeout or found time to send him a quick message.  A tiny morsel to keep him going for now.

The couple had yet to say the words I love you.  Simple heart emoji's, especially purple ones were being sent much more frequently between the two of them.  Jeongguk had planned to tell her in person after they were finally reunited.  He knew deep down, with every fiber of his being, that she was the love of his life.  His one and only.  Until they were reunited in person, he would keep it to himself.  How Jeongguk couldn't wait to demonstrate to Sienna in everyday possible how much she meant to him and what he felt for her.

During the elevator ride up from the parking garage to their dorms, he caught his reflection in the mirror and noticed the golden color was coming back.  This didn't phase him much since the color would make appearances here and there based on his mood.  Typically, when he was aroused.

What he didn't realize was his two eldest hyungs stood behind him exchanging silent smirks.  They knew his eye color was changing due to her proximity.  Yes, his eye color acted like a mood ring most of the time but her presence affected it the most.  A silent conversation of them rather excited that their plan to surprise the maknae was in full swing and currently going well.

Hoseok caught that silent exchange but figured it might be best if he kept his big mouth shut for now.  He had been feeling off since right before the concert began as well.  Not ill, but like he was drawn towards something.  Mentioning this to Yoongi, his hyung seemed to say he was having a similar feeling as well but couldn't pin point it.  Surprisingly, that feeling almost seemed to amplify their performance. Even though the pull they felt towards something was built from nervous energy, it channeled into the charisma they were well known for on stage.  

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