Not Another Legend

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Namjoon was stunned.  A simple introduction had spun into utter chaos. Only his members had witnessed the bizarre event thankfully. Everyone else had been sent out, even the translator. He offered to take over in order to ensure privacy along with offering the translator a break before the main meeting. 

This act took Yoongi off guard because he knew how much the leader hated being the designated translator. He didn't mind helping out, but it was getting bothersome, especially with how ridiculous most American interviews had become. They wanted to get to know Sienna more personally, so his willingness to translate was a way showing her that he and his group were serious about their potential partnership.

It was roughly a month ago when the UN reached out asking if BTS would consider partnering with Sienna Miller. Without hesitation all seven eagerly agreed. At their initial UN speech in 2018, was also a speaker, but not on the same day.  She spoke at a different time, but all seven guys watched her speech through the livestream.  They were all smitten, especially Jeongguk. Due to both of their busy schedules, they never had the opportunity to meet her until now. When their paths almost crossed in 2018, it was overshadowed by their non stop schedule since  their life changing Love Yourself World Tour had just begun. But that didn't stop Joon from following her career. He wasn't by any means attracted to her, that was all his maknae.

Namjoon's admiration for her came from a place of respect. She rose above the trauma of loosing both of her parents and then channelled it to become a social justice warrior and champion for children. The most amazing out of all of that was how she made such an impact without ever leaving North America. From what her manager mentioned, her Korea trip was her first ever overseas flight. He was extremely curious to why this world renowned human rights lawyer never left her continent. But alas, it was her story to tell if she ever chose.

With all that build up, it all led to a dramatic introduction between her and their youngest member. What seemed like a simple handshake ended up with Sienna and Jeongguk passed out on the floor. Hoseok was about to run and get a medic when Joon stopped him.

"Wait hyung. Don't alert anyone yet."

"Joon-ah, they are passed out, we need someone to see if they're..."

"This isn't medical. I think it's related to Jeongguk's recent changes."

He kneeled on the ground to make sure both were still breathing and had a pulse. Seokjin remembered what JK had just mentioned to him before the chaos erupted.

"Our little maknae revealed to me moments ago that his trip to the tattoo parlor on his birthday was a lie. He mentioned casually, little shit, that his full moon tattoo appeared on its own the morning of his birthday. You know, right after he had the dream of the wolf becoming human."

"That would make so much more sense." Joon stood up and continued, "I thought this was connected to the legend, but since none of us are experiencing changes and this just happened... it could still be linked to that folklore attached to us. It very well might be a sign we weren't initially aware of.  However, right now I think we have a good old fashion case of soulmates."

"You can't be serious," Yoongi scoffed, "That's just some random legend passed down by hopeless romantics."

"What about the prophecy and legend surrounding us?  So far all the markers are true! We might not be seeing changes yet, but everything else from the legend has come to fruition. If that can happen, why can't soulmates be true? What if it's connected to our legend?  That can't be out of the realm of possibilities."

"Joon has a point." Seokjin interjected with the rest of the members shaking their heads in agreement.

"Well if this was true, where do we go from here? Now we have a completely new person thrown into the mix. A globally recognized one as well. No way in hell we can keep this secret. Does she even want this?"

Joon agreed internally that Yoongi had extremely valid points. However, he knew their maknae would be thrilled. Jeongguk was already smitten with this woman. Even if there were hurdles, he would do anything to support his youngest brother. All he could do was hope that she reciprocated those feelings or was at least open to this new adventure.

Before Joon could say anything, Tae spoke up, "Let's worry about that later. These two are going to wake up extremely confused and probably scared. Our main priorities are figuring out their headspace then getting through the meeting. Joon, could Sejin schedule some time for us after the meeting? Something tells me this two will need some bonding time."

Super proud of his second to youngest member for taking the initiative, Joon nodded and pat Taehyung's back as a sign of thanks.

At that moment, both Jeongguk and Sienna began to stir. Joon and Seokjin sat next to Sienna while she woke up while Hobi and the 95er's went to their maknae's side.

At the same moment, Yoongi was on the phone with Seijin making sure no one disturbed them. Their manager was well aware of the lore that surrounded the seven and had not only kept it confidential but protected them from curious individuals who had malicious intent. The eldest rapper was on the phone only for a few minutes, but was able to secure the rest of the day off along with an easy couple of days afterwards. Seijin agreed that the focus from here on out would be helping the couple bond and adjust to their new reality.

Hanging up the phone, Yoongi walked back over to the crowd.  Quickly lost in thought thinking about everything they have learned about themselves over the years he was nervous thinking about what was to come.  This new development of Jeongguk being bonded to a stranger was not one of the changes they were expecting.  Granted it was someone they had admired from afar, but why her?  Does it have any connection to their prophecy?  If so, how?  Why now?  Why her?

As the questions swirled in his mind and his other members fussed over what to do next, the newly bonded couple were making their discovery in the reality that only they had experienced. 


Running through the forest by myself, my paws pounded on the forest floor while the night air brushed through my fur. With no concept of time, I was running without a purpose until I felt a tug causing me to change direction and suddenly take a new trail. This path was quiet but by no means overgrown. It appeared to be a path only taken by those who knew of its presence.

While running down this new path, my soul continued to tug on me hard which in turn made me run even faster. I did not feel tired. The closer I got to my destination, the more energetic I felt. My heart beat faster with the anticipation of what was to come.

The pathway seemed to be coming to an end and as I approached it, I heard multiple distinct howls. The trail ended and opened into a clearing. The dark meadow illuminated by the full moon. Towards the far end was another pack of wolves.  Each wolf had a unique fur color making them distinguishable from eachother. Six large wolves were surrounding the largest wolf which was laying on the forest floor. The silver fur of this magnificent creature was illuminated by the glistening moon.

By now I had stopped running and began to slowly approach the intimidating pack. Their majestic aura was not intimidating. If anything, it felt welcoming, like home. All 6 of the standing wolves now had their attention on me. Expecting them to bare their fangs and show dominance, I was taken aback when they each bowed their heads towards me.

Slowly approaching, my eyes were focused on the silver wolf who was still laying on the ground and appeared to be sleeping? I couldn't help but feel that this was the alpha of their pack. Roughly 10 feet away, I stopped the moment the wolf open its eyes and sit up on its haunches. Greeted by golden eyes, I realized this was the wolf that had protected my dreams for most of my life. Unlike my other dreams, all of his features were as clear as day.

The golden eyes had a sense of familiarity and comfort. In a flash, the wolf disappeared and slowly turned into a full grown man. At the same moment my wolf form disappeared and I was now completely myself, but with pure white hair that matched my snowy white wolf fur. Readjusting my vision, I took in the gorgeous human's features. I felt my breath hitch and heart flutter as I was drawn to his arms. Were those tattoos? Is that ARMY on his knuckles? In that moment, I gasped as I began connecting the dots. Was the wolf of my dreams Jeon Jeongguk all along?

The moment our eyes met, it was clear that we had the same shocked expression.

"IT'S YOU?!?!?!"

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